Prologue 1 (Ginevra/Janie): They Didn't Expect Me

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

Six bullets changed the trajectory of my entire life.

My mother was killed when I was thirteen by enemies of the La Forte Body. They were trying to kill my father, but they missed and killed Mamma with all of those bullets, one right between her eyes. I took a bullet as well, but it only grazed my shoulder, a through-and-through that did no damage other than to leave me with a scar to remember that horrible day.

When my father had gotten to me, there was such pain on his face that I knew my mother had died in the attack.

"Ginevra," he cried as he held me. "She's gone. She's gone."

Then we both cried together. For days. Until Papa had dried his eyes, mopped up mine and taken me by the shoulders.

"We have cried, Ginevra. And we'll grieve her the rest of our lives. But we can't cry forever and we'll keep Mamma tucked close in our hearts now."

"I miss her, Papa," I whispered, trying to be strong like my father wanted me to be.

He had tipped up my chin. "As do I, Ginevra. We always will. But crying doesn't honor the dead; living a good life for them does. Your mother was sunshine, not rain."

And I knew that. Mamma's smile was bright and shiny, and she always smiled and laughed.

Two weeks after my mother's murder, Papa stood in front of me, sorrow marking his face in a way that made him seem much older than before.

"It's not for girls, this life in the Body. But your mother's blood cried out to me, Ginevra. Her soul spoke to mine in a dream last night. She wants me to show you a different path."

I had nodded solemnly, having not the first clue what he was talking about but wanting to make it seem like I understood since this was my beloved Papa. He was all I had left and I clung to him.

He'd gone out for a bit earlier, leaving me home alone, then had come back after a few hours and handed me a small bag.

"Go change, child," he'd said, and from his tone of voice, I knew there'd be no more explanation than that.

I had obeyed and come back dressed all in black, my dirty blonde hair mostly tucked up under a knit cap. If you are reading this story anywhere but on wattpad where you can read it for free, you are reading a story that has been stolen from groveltohea. Papa looked me over, tucked a few escaping strands of hair under my cap, then gave a sharp nod.

"Let's go."

We'd gotten into a car and had driven for an hour, taking dark country roads that led us into the middle of nowhere.

"Off the beaten path, hidden by trees, deserted and by a flooded quarry is always a bonus."

Papa pointed out the qualities of the place, and although I could guess why he was telling me this, I wasn't certain, so I just nodded and tucked the attributes away in my mind.

Before he got out of the car, Papa strapped on a little headlamp and turned it on. We walked to the back of the car and Papa popped the trunk to reveal a man, his face a little messed up and bloody.

With Papa's light blinding him, the man threw his arms up to cover his eyes, and Papa looked over at me.

"And to think in just a few minutes he's going to be wishing a light in his eyes was his biggest problem. Ginevra, I want you to meet Pasquale Vacca. He's one of the men responsible for what happened to your mother and to you. Say hello."

I rubbed my still-healing shoulder where I'd been shot. I remembered him from that day. He didn't look so scary now.

"Hello," I said.

The Body #2: Lucio and JanieWhere stories live. Discover now