Epilogue 1 (Lucio): Full Of Mischief

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

"That's not how it's done, Lucio," my little wife protested. 

"Since when did you become such a traditionalist?" I shrugged. "Face it, Ginevra, that's the whole story of our lives. Body women also never blew apart a trafficking ring. They never ran Body meetings or met with other Heads. They never ran research and development departments. They never ran information gathering networks. There has to be a first time for everything. Besides, this day's about us, so why should we start doing things the way they've always been done?"

My little ghost's mouth twitched because she couldn't deny I had a point. At this point, I figured she was just yanking my chain for the sheer fun of it. My wife liked to try to wind me up, and I enjoyed the hell out of her efforts.

"So instead of me standing up there, waiting for you to walk to me, we'll walk down the aisle together."

"There's more than two thousand people out there, Lucio. At least five hundred of whom are from the other Bodies. That's a big break with tradition."

And there it was. The slight quirk at the corner of her mouth. The dancing eyes.

"They'd expect nothing less from the first two-headed Body, Janie."

I stepped closer and nuzzled her neck, right before biting her hard enough so she jumped...and moaned a little.

"I'll make it worth your while tonight, little ghost, if you do what I want now."

"Really?" she breathed. "So we're entering into negotiations, Mr. Feroce?"

"You got a counteroffer for me?" I asked, nipping the skin of her neck lightly between my teeth.

"Mmmm, what if I want you to make it worth my while now?"

"You want to get fucked right before your wedding, Mrs. Feroce?" 

"Is that an offer? I'm about to renew my vows and don't really have time to waste on hypotheticals, Feroce."

That got my hand wrapped around her throat.

I'm not offering anything," I told her, my thumb lightly rubbing her neck so I could feel her pulse. "I'm telling you. You're going to get fucked right before your wedding."

"The door's not locked," she said, her eyes darting to the door as if my men were going to come barreling through it at any moment. 

"I promise to shoot the first person through the door if you're so worried. You can shoot the second one."

As if my men would let anyone through. I'd told them not to disturb us before I walked in here and they'd take it from there.

"We have twelve minutes before we're supposed to walk up the aisle," my wife reminded me primly. Oh, yeah. She was definitely winding me up.

"You left me hanging this morning when you realized how late it was and the hair and make up crew were about to arrive with your girls. Trust me when I say this won't take long."

"I just don't think we should because it would wrinkle my dress terribly."

As if she cared.

"Bend over the table, Ginevra, and stop giving me shit, or you can walk up the aisle thoroughly fucked and with a red ass."

"Well, as a dutiful Body wife, I guess I have no choice but to obey," she grumbled and sighed. Clearly the most put-upon woman in the Body.

She bent over the table and I pushed the skirt of her dress up above her waist, right before I gave her two sharp cracks on her ass.

The Body #2: Lucio and JanieWhere stories live. Discover now