Chapter 15 (Janie): Controlled

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA


When Lucio and I walked into the little shack, I could see the strange woman had already been tied to the chair, her forearms strapped to the wide, wooden armrests. Her hand and her knee had been duct taped to slow down the bleeding before she'd been transported here, and there was real fear in her eyes now.

If you found yourself in one of the Body's little shacks, you knew that not only was your life expectancy not good, you'd probably be begging for it to end before too long.

Of the four Body guards, two were in the room, and two were patrolling the outside. Santo had joined the party and was already inside the shack when Lucio and I walked in. He and Lucio spoke in low tones for a minute while I sized up the bitch.

Walking up to her, I pressed my knee on her knee, hard, and she screamed. "Who is your boss?"

Removing my knee from hers, I watched as she tried to gulp in deep breaths, panting through the pain, shaking her head. 

"I was hoping you wouldn't answer," I told her conversationally. "I don't usually get to have this kind of fun. Just burying all of you bitches alive, but this is next level entertainment."

Then Lucio was there, with a hammer, and he brought it down on her injured hand.

She screamed again, strands of goo starting to drip from her nose, tears streaming from her eyes.

Lucio got right in her face. "I suggest you answer her questions. It will go so much quicker for you. Otherwise, we can keep you alive for days doing this. Our record is twenty-seven days, Santo?"

"Twenty-seven days is right, Luch."

The chilling nothingness in their voices made her start shaking.

Lucio stepped back into the corner to watch.

"Let's try this again," I said. "Who is your boss?"

"You can kill me, but I won't tell you anything." Her voice was shaking as hard as her body.

"That's just making this a challenge to me," I cooed to her before turning to Lucio. "Do you have a little melon ball scooper here, by any chance?"

"No. For what?"

"Gouging out her eyes."

"Oh, never needed one." He shrugged and stepped forward, brandishing a massive knife. "We usually just cross hatch the eyeballs for maximum discomfort and twist out a little section at a time with the tip. Would you like me to demonstrate?"

 The woman was straining back in her chair as if that would keep Lucio away.

"Not yet," I said. "I feel like that's a bit more advanced. Maybe just start taking her fingers."

"Santo, get the cauterizer ready."

In two minutes, both men were standing in front of the woman.

"Which finger?" Lucio asked me.

"Decisions, decisions," I mused. "Thumb, to start, I guess."

Lucio held her hand down and was about to remove her thumb when he stopped and looked at me. "Would you prefer I use a small saw or is the knife OK?"

"Oh, I hadn't even thought of a saw."

"Zola. Zola Lanaro!" she almost shouted. You could tell the name had burst out of her in terror.

The Body #2: Lucio and JanieWhere stories live. Discover now