Chapter 5 (Lucio): She Had Skills

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

***TW for violence done to H***

Was a black eye, a broken nose, a knee in the gut and balls that had been kicked up into my throat worth it to find out what my wife was capable of?

Absolutely. And I'd tell anyone that the fact-finding mission was a success as soon as I recovered my speech.

Ginevra was clever. I had to hand it to her. She saw me come at her but instead of backing away like most women would have, instead of turning and running, she held her ground. Balancing her weight on the balls of her feet, she gathered herself and when I was within striking distance, she brought her knee up so swiftly and skillfully that I wasn't prepared and my little ghost dropped me to my knees.

She then pretended to trip and her knee drilled into my stomach, knocking me down on my back, and as I struggled for breath, with a bit of dramatic arm windmilling, Ginevra pitched forward, her head connecting with my face, hitting both my eye and nose. And she hit hard because she didn't even try to break her fall.

"Oh, my gosh, I'm so clumsy," she said after cracking my nose. Not an apology by any means because I saw the fast flare of satisfaction in her eyes before she banked it. She'd just pulled some serious moves on me and tried to make it look like clumsiness.

Then, as she moved to get off me, that little knee pressed down on my already injured crotch, and all of her weight shifted to the one knee for a few endless moments until she pushed herself off me, using my stomach for leverage.

There was so much pain coming from so many points on my body that it was hard to focus. The amazing thing was she'd flattened me in less than thirty seconds.

Ignore the pain.

Do you want more of what just put you down there? 

Then get up.

Keep moving. You can't stay down.

With those old echoes prodding at me, I got to my feet, just managing not to grab my crotch to check that my balls were still between my legs and not dangling from my lungs like a pair of fuzzy dice from a rearview mirror.

"Is your head OK?" I asked her because if it hurt me, it had to have caused her some pain.

Her face gave nothing away. "I've always been a bit of a klutz. And, your nose is bleeding. Maybe it's broken. You should probably go see a doctor about that."

"No need for a doctor." 

Keeping my eyes trained on her, I put the fingertips of both hands together, drew the palms together and dragged them down my nose, straightening it like we'd been taught -- forced -- to do in our three-year training program after our instructors walked down the line, breaking our noses one after the other.

Pain is in your mind.

You either control the pain or it controls you.

"Ginevra, seriously, you hit your head hard against mine. Are you OK?"

"You're the one bleeding with a black eye. Maybe you should be asking yourself that." Her face was unreadable, but there was that tone again in her voice. OK. Message received. New subject.

"I want to get an early start back tomorrow. I have people arriving in the afternoon to pack up your apartment. They'll also trailer your car back."

"I haven't said I'm going back with you."

There it was again. A Body girl would have said OK, even if most of them were still currently unlearning that submissiveness they'd been taught. Who was this woman?

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