Chapter 2 (Ginevra/Janie): The Original Forgery

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

When a man pops up in the back seat of your car, the only possible response is to scream as if you're a normal woman. So I did. Loud and long.

I was so proud of myself for shrieking instead of pulling out Old Butterball when Lucio sat up behind me and basically told me gotcha. He would have thought it was really strange for a helpless woman not to react to a big, strong, scary man in her car. And somehow, Lucio was bigger than he'd been five years ago, even more rough and thuggy-looking, and back then he'd been a formidable size.

As acting efforts went, the shriek wasn't one of my best, maybe Hallmark Channel-worthy, but I was in such a state of shock that I'd been amazed I'd been able to think at all. Who wouldn't have been shocked? After five years, Lucio had found me and I had no idea, no warning whatsoever, that he was on his way to me. My girls would be pissed that he'd evaded them and they hadn't been able to give me a heads up. 

Maybe we'd all become too complacent, thinking Lucio had forgotten me and wouldn't bother trying to track me down. As the brand-new Head of the Body, I would think he had bigger fish to fry than tracking down his wife-who-wasn't-really-his-wife. We'd been married for about five minutes before he brought home that evil whore to fuck on our wedding night, so I ditched him, and, on my way out of town, broke into City Hall and destroyed our marriage certificate. 

BOOM! I was no longer Lucio's wife.

"Drive to your apartment, and then we're going to have a talk," he said ominously. The way he said talk didn't sound like it was going to be a lot of fun. I wasn't a fan of non-fun talks, unless they ended with a shovel for the other person. 

"And we have so much to talk about, my little ghost." Hmm, the sarcastic tone still wasn't making me feel warm and fuzzy.

"I know where you live, so go straight there, Ginevra."

That was a name I hadn't really heard in five years. I'd retired Ginevra to become Janie when I began my new life. At the time, it felt like I was leaving a lot behind, but I carried so much of my old life with me that in reality, I was constantly straddling two worlds.

Think, Janie. Think. It was four miles from Lark's house to my apartment, so that didn't give me a lot of time to pull together a plan. By the time I was two miles away from home, I had an idea that would work temporarily, but I'd need a more solid plan for getting rid of him permanently. Well, not like take him for a ride permanently-permanently, but just a plan to get him out of my sphere and back to his precious Body where I could be left in peace to live my life free from the male-dominated world I'd grown up in. If you're reading this anywhere but wattpad where you can read it for free, you're reading a book stolen from the author, groveltohea. Fortunately, Lucio wasn't very talkative in the fifteen minutes it took me to get home, so I could plan without his voice distracting me.

"Get out of the car, Ginevra," he ordered when I pulled into my parking space, right by the front door. "Then we're going to go into your apartment, and I'm going to listen as my wife tries to explain the last five years to me."

Yep, called that one right. This was definitely not going to be an old-friends-catching-up-on-the-past fun talk.

When I didn't move quickly enough, he repeated himself more forcefully. "Ginevra, get out of the car."

Boy, talk about hi, honey, haven't seen you in five years but here I am to boss you around. Swoon! Sign me right the fuck up! My fingers itched for Old Butterball.

Here we go. Commence plan. He expects a typical Body girl. Quiet. Meek. Unable to protect herself. Give him exactly what he expects for a minute.

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