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Ae was more than happy with himself since he was able to make right decisions. He was well aware that if he continued to work this way than the day was not far when he would be bringing Pete back home.

As per the orders form Ae, all the concubines were sent back except the one who was detained inside the prison for lies. Lord Runrot was more furious since he was already being watched like hawk and couldn't go out much. Moreover, the people whom he had employed to work for him too had been proved useless.

"She had been sent to jail." Lord Runrot spoke to the vendor who sold some jewellery in the market square. "What?? I am going to bring her back." The person said. "NO!! Don't be foolish Naep. The guards are patrolling more carefully now and each move is being watched. I somehow managed to sneak out to deliver this news to you." Runrot explained.

"But master, you could have sent someone else." Naep spoke. "I needed to speak something important. Prince Ae is getting back to himself and I want you to arrange a maid who would be really cunning. Someone who could do all the work without being noticed. Someone who could mesmerize others with her beauty and win their hearts with her work. Someone whom all will trust blindly. Find her and send her to the palace. I will take care of the rest." Lord Runrot informed.

"Sure... It will be done. But what about Khem? I want her free as soon as possible." Naep replied. "Don't worry... She is sent for only two weeks. She will be out soon and you can meet her. The royals have ordered to prepare a place for her stay for time being. Ae is out on hunt for her brother so you better be careful. And you know what to do if someone suspects?" Lord Runrot said. Naep nodded in response indicating that he knew very well what was supposed to be done.

"Very well... Send the woman as soon as possible. We don't have much time. Better to execute the plan when Pete is away. Once he returns the security will be more tightened and the chances will be reduced." Lord Runrot stated.

"Alright... I will speed up." Naep assured. "I am leaving, the guards will be coming for patrol." Runrot stated while preparing to leave. "Hand this over to Khem." Naep said as he handed Runrot a small bag. Runrot didn't waste much time and immediately took the bag and hastened to leave the place.

Days were passing away and each day Ae's desire for Pete would increase more. But it wasn't the physical satisfaction anymore. He just wanted to look at that face and feel lost in those eyes. He wanted to talk to him and tell him about everything that comes to his mind.

Things were slowly improving since Ae was indulging himself in the activities inside the courtroom while also looking after the other works. He would occasionally go to see the gardener and would end up playing with cat. But one thing remained the same throughout. Ae no longer felt comfortable sleeping in his own chamber. Each night, he would sneak into Pete's chamber so that he could feel at ease.

"I told you he is changing." The emperor said. "I can see that. But he is a man after all. I need to be sure that he is not going to betray Pete again. What I have seen with my own eyes makes me take this decision. I don't enjoy doing this but it's important. I am not only a mother but also an empress. And if I can't take decisions for my son, than I am not fit to be the empress. Just because Ae is my son doesn't mean that I should forgive him. Think how we would have felt if Pete was our son? Would you have tolerated it? If what happened with Pete was done to Ae, would you have stayed quiet?" the empress questioned.

"Love... I know and I can understand. What happened with Pete is completely not acceptable. But it doesn't mean that we shouldn't give Ae another chance. If he is improving, isn't it a good influence?" the emperor questioned.

"It is... I agree to it... But I am not yet convinced to allow Ae to be with Pete. Let Pete have his time with his parents and let Ae know where he stands. When I can finally see the changes happening, I, myself would ask Ae to bring him back." The empress spoke.

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