Surprise Surprise!!

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Everyone present was enjoying the ball, dancing to the music, savoring the delicacies and the fine wine flowing throughout the party. Ae had excused themselves, pulling Pete along with him as they exited the ballroom.

"Ae, where are we going?" Pete asked curiously as they walked down the hallway heading towards the entrance. "I told you about the surprise. Remember?" Ae asked. Pete nodded while getting excited at the mention of surprise.

Ae ushered him through the garden, heading towards the special place he had prepared for Pete. When they finally arrived, Pete could see to guards standing outside guarding the place. Ae ordered them to open the doors and soon, the wooden doors were pushed open revealing a beautiful garden.

"Awwww... This is beautiful!!" Pete exclaimed while he looked at the place. "Why don't you go inside and check?" Ae suggested. "Sure..." Pete said with a dreamy expression on his face. He stepped inside while glancing around the place only to be left in awe. "Wowww...." Pete said as he moved forward admiring the place noticing how beautifully it was designed.

His gaze than landed upon the gazebo that looked so beautiful. The creepers hanging around with beautiful flowers over them and the candles lit around the place was giving it a magical touch. His eyes traveled towards the pond close to the gazebo.

He moved closer taking careful steps while still getting dazed by the beauty of the place. He couldn't believe that a place like this could actually exists. "Ae... This...?" Pete didn't have words to explain.

"I got it prepared especially for you. I have been spending my time looking at your portraits when you were not around. They gave me courage to go through everything while being the guiding light to lead me to the path towards you. And then, I wanted to convert all those bad memories into good ones." Ae explained.

Pete was left in shock when he heard those words. He never thought that Ae would change so much but now that he sees a different Ae, he can't stop himself from falling for him some more. Pete stepped into the gazebo looking around the place to notice the sitting arrangement made with a couch and cushions. The place was so romantic and the love that Ae had for Pete was radiating through each and every aspect.

Pete turned around to speak to Ae just to find him right behind him. As they came face to face with each other, their eyes met and froze in the place. All the emotions were flowing in this moment. Ae's love, care, concern, desire, yearning, everything was getting reflected through his dark orbs.

As if moving on it's own, Ae stepped closer snaking his arms around Pete's waist while the beautiful lad placed his hands on Ae's shoulder. The distance between them getting lesser and lesser slowly. Pete closed his eyes when their lips were just inches away, letting himself get drowned into the beautiful feeling.

As Ae pressed his lips to Pete, electricity got surged through their body connecting their souls together. Their bodies began to move on their own trying to fit against each other. Ae moved forward boxing Pete up against him and the pillar with his arms on either side not giving a way to escape. He began to nibble on the lips that were slowly turning to red. His desire taking a toll over his senses.

He bit down on the bottom lip making Pete part his lips and took the opportunity to push his tongue inside. His hands moving to the back pulling Pete closer, desperation reflecting through each action. Pete too was needy for the touch and he had been yearning to have a moment like this. Melting into those arms, he let his guard down moving his hands around and wrapping them around the other's nape.

Ae deepened the kiss teasing the other's tongue licking his inner surface. Saliva was slowly dripping down the corner of lips messing up their chins, their ragged breathing getting mixed with each other, hearts beating messily but in sync.

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