Hurts from past

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“Oraphin??” The emperor called when he looked at the person who just admitted that she had appointed the maid. “Akhom dear, now I am not even allowed to appoint a maid for myself?” Oraphin questioned. The emperor was about to speak but the empress beat him to it. “Lady Oraphin, we are in court so it would be rather more respectful if you address the emperor as his majesty, you know the rules. Also, appointing the maids is done by me and after a thorough check. No person other than me can allow someone to work at the palace. What you did is supposed to be called crime. But since you are unaware about the rules, as you have been absent for long, you are pardoned.” The empress cleared.

Oraphin clenched her fists trying to hold back the anger even though she wanted to yell and shout right there. “Your majesty… Thank you for forgiving me and I’ll be more careful from now on.” Oraphin said in polite tone. “But the woman here was not supposed to be in Pete’s chamber if she was appointed by you.” The empress said while narrowing her eyes on Khem.

“Mother, I have something to say.” Ae interrupted. “Go ahead…” Emon gestured. “Khem had been trying to poison my thoughts against Pete. When Pete was injured she tried to convince me to think that he was actually acting and then again, there have been lot many lies spoken by her. If that was not enough, she kept showing up again and again and each time she has disrespected Pete. I had given her a last warning but she kept repeating the same but now it’s the limit. If Pete wasn’t smart enough, I can’t even think what she would have done. Seeing all the crimes committed by her, I highly suspect her to be a threat to the royal family member.” Ae spoke.

Khem shivered when she heard those words. It was clear that Ae was demanding punishment for her and that was not going to be something as simple as staying in the prison.
“Prince Ae, henceforth, make sure to bring to the notice of the emperor when someone tries to disrespect or harm any of the family member. As for the crimes committed by Khem, she is being sent to prison and the court will hold further proceedings in order to know about the nature of the crime and the punishment for her.” The emperor declared.

“Ak-, Your majesty, are you going to punish her just because she sneaked into Pete’s room?”  Oraphin questioned. “I guess you didn’t hear clearly Lady Oraphin, she is being punished for all her crimes and there will be further proceedings. The court is adjourned for now but make sure that no such crime is committed by anyone else.” The emperor stated.

Oraphin was more than annoyed and just wanted to kill Emon for having interrupted the decision but she knew well to keep quiet if she wanted to succeed. Ae helped Pete out of the place with the rest following soon after. Khem was dragged towards the prison cell ignoring all her pleas.

“How are you feeling now?” Ae questioned as he held Pete in his arms, stroking his back gently. “I am fine Ae… Can I just be in your arms?” Pete asked. “Love, you don’t have to ask. Just tell me to stay.” Ae said while pulling Pete closer, squeezing him against his chest.

“Is everything sorted out?” Pete questioned. “No… I have spoken to por personally to investigate Khem thoroughly. I feel she is hiding something and she doesn’t have any good motives. Many times she tried to provoke my thoughts even trying to poison them. I feel she is up to something.” Ae explained.

“Hm…. I too felt the same…” Pete agreed, burying his face in Ae’s chest. “How about getting a little cosy?” Ae asked as his hands trailed from Pete’s back to his butt cheeks. Pete gasped when Ae squeezed the two globes earning a soft moan in return.

“Ae… someone might come searching for you.” Pete pointed out. “Let them search… I want to get lost in your eyes.” Ae said as he pulled Pete closer and lied down on bed. His hands working on squeezing and kneading the butt cheeks which was making Pete feel extremely hot, Ae’s lips began to trail over Pete’s shoulder making him squirm, fingers digging into Ae’s arms.

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