Missed you so badly

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Days have passed since Ae and Satra had left for their mission and Pete had been feeling so lonely and lost that he withdrew himself from everything. He didn’t paint any longer and most of his time would be spent sitting and staring at the road waiting for his husband to return back.

It was slowly turning dark as Pete sat in his room looking out of the window sighing nth time in the whole day. He didn’t go for lunch so the meal was sent to his chamber but it was left on the table all ignored. If Ae would have seen Pete in this condition, he would have surely ran up to him and pulled him in a hug.

“Your highness, you haven’t eaten.” Hom said while pointing at the plate that was left untouched. “I am not in mood to eat.” Pete replied without even looking at the person. “But your highness, her majesty will be upset when she learns that you are not having your meals. Also Prince Ae wouldn’t like it either.” Hom spoke. “If he didn’t like, why he had to stay away for so long? It have been so many days!!” Pete complained.

Hom and Phailin have been now used to this behavior. Pete had been being all grumpy and sad ever since Ae left. “Your highness, you should take care of yourself. You don’t want Prince Ae to be upset about you ignoring your health.” Pahilin tried to convince. “I don’t want to eat!!” Pete said while getting up and heading out of the chamber.

“What are we going to do?” Hom asked Phailin. “We need to tell her majesty. Thankfully, Sir Zee is watching over his highness… That reduces most of the stress.” Phailin replied.

Pete walked out of the palace heading straight to the gazebo. The guards outside greeted him before opening the door. Pete just walked inside heading straight to the gazebo while pouting all the while. He had been missing Ae so badly that he just wanted to rush where he was and hug him.

“You are so mean Ae!! You kept me waiting. I will not talk to you when you return. I will punish you!” Pete muttered as he picked up a stone and threw it into the pond. It made a ‘plop’ sound before it sank to the bottom of the pond.

Pete’s heart was filled with gloom as he gazed at the pond longingly. This place held so beautiful memories that he couldn’t help but miss Ae some more.

Pete had been so immersed in his thoughts that he failed to notice the opening and closing of the door. He was stunned when he felt two arms around his waist and hot air against his neck and a familiar husky voice whispered into his ear, “I missed you so terribly!!”

The next moment, Pete turned around and wrapped his arms around the other person’s neck. “ I missed you… I missed you so badly.” Ae just squished him to his chest feeling content at the familiar feeling of having his husband in his arms.

“I missed you I missed you I missed you.” Ae kept on repeating as he began to spin around with Pete in his arms. After a long time, giggles could be heard coming from the fragile lad. “I have missed you so so sooooo much Ae….” Pete confessed.

“I too missed you a lot my love.” Ae said as he pulled away and looked at Pete’s face. He could clearly see the changes and Pete didn’t look that healthy as he was when Ae had left. “Have you been skipping meals?” Ae asked straightaway and Pete just hang his head low knowing that he was guilty. “Love, I asked you something.” Ae said. “Ae is the one responsible for this. You left me here and I was missing you so badly. Why did you take so long to return?” Pete asked.

“Love, we were busy with work. As soon as we finished, we headed back home.” Ae informed. “Next time when Ae has to go somewhere, Pete too will go along.” Pete said in adorably cute tone.

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