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The day of the public execution arrived and Oraphin and Runrot were dragged out of the palace. The stage was set for the display and people began to flock around. Runrot was desperately trying to free himself while Oraphin on the other hand looked calm. Her face didn’t show any sign of emotions.

As the royals began to arrive, Oraphin’s gaze was dancing between them and finally she saw Pete arrive accompanied by Ae. That made her blood boil and she began to glare at him. No one was aware about her intentions since her facial expression didn’t give away anything. She was waiting calmly for Pete to arrive close before she pushed the soldiers aside and moved to grab Pete. Everything happened so suddenly that people hardly got time to react. By the time Ae would stop her, it was too late. She captured Pete and placed a dagger on his neck pulling him back.

“If I am dying today, I won’t die alone.” She hissed, pressing the dagger firmly against the neck. “Oraphin!! Let go off him!” Akhom warned. “Why should it be always me to lose the battle? Let’s settle the score. You are going to kill me and I will kill him. He is main cause for my plan getting ruined. He has to die!” Oraphin said. “Listen, he has got nothing to do with what has happened. You can kill me instead but let him go.” Ae tried to bargain. “NO!!! You are suppose to suffer the same loss as I did. Live without the love of your life and die everyday thinking about him.” Orpahin said.

Pete could feel that Orpahin was already planning to kill him and the only options left were do or die. He brought his hand up carefully and reached up for his hair pin. He twisted it and pulled out the needle. Bracing himself for what would follow, he stabbed the needle into her hand. That impact made Orpahin loosen her grip and Pete immediately ducked away while pushing her hand aside.

“You faggot!!” she shouted while trying to launch at Pete but she was caught immediately. Ae rushed towards Pete pulling him away from the evil woman. “Are you alright?” Ae questioned as he helped Pete to steady up.

“I am fine….” Pete assured. The next moment they heard a loud scream as Oraphin began to twist her body. Her mouth wide open in silent scream. Her face going pale. “What did you do?” Ae inquired. “I don’t know. I just pierced her with the needle to free myself.” Pete explained.

“That needle was coated with poison. It makes a person’s body ache badly before kicking in full effect which leads to the person going limp. Oraphin is alive but some of her senses are dead. She won’t be able to move her muscles anymore but she would definitely feel the pain inflicted on her.” Sir Amonrat explained.

“Sister!!  Sister!!” Runrot called when he saw Oraphin go all limp. But it was the day of public execution and there was no way it could be delayed any longer. Orpahin was dragged to the wheel and tied up before the process started. Screams could be heard as her bones began to break and finally her body was thrown into the brazen bull that consumed everything except for the bones. All the people present had goosebumps over their bodies. This was the most cruelest form of torture and death that they have witnessed. But the show was not yet over.

Next, Runrot was tied up on table for the further process. And when it actually started, the screams were loud and echoing through the whole place. Many people felt sick and immediately abandoned the place trying to breathe in some fresh air. Pete turned around burying his face into Ae’s chest as he couldn’t bear to watch it.

When the screams finally stopped, Pete looked up to see the limp body of Runrot covered with blood that was dripping down. “Ae, let’s return back.” Pete whispered to which Ae nodded knowing that his husband had a very delicate heart.

With passage of days, things began to change slowly and the environment inside the palace was slowly turning lively. Ae’s title of crown prince was given back to him and soon the coronation ceremony was going to be held. Hom and Phailin too were no longer the maids but they were now the respected member of the court. Zee too was now titled as Lord Zee and was  in charge  of taking care of all matters.

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