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After the hot bathing session, Pete was already tired so Ae had to take care of him. Since it was already getting late, Ae thought of heading back home. He scooped Pete in his arms as he began to walk back towards the entrance of the cave after having dressed up. When they were finally out, he placed Pete on the horse before moving to mount it.

When Pete felt the warmth of Ae around him, he hugged his husband tightly while burying his face in Ae's chest. Ae smiled seeing the cute gesture while he maneuvered the horse towards the route. Pete was too tired to even open his eyes and look at the surroundings. Ae let the horse go steady as he held the reins in one hand while his other hand was wrapped around Pete holding him close.

When they finally arrived at the border of the empire, he could see the soldiers patrolling. They greeted him as he headed to the palace. Ae brought the horse to halt when they reached the stable. He looked down at his husband who was still asleep in his arms.

"Love... We are home." Ae cooed while trying to wake Pete up. "Umm... Let me sleep some more." Pete mumbled in his sleepy state. "You can love... But let's get you back to the chamber." Ae replied. Those words slowly got registered in Pete's brain and he immediately snapped his eyes open looking at his surroundings. He could see that they were at the stable and the people working there were all looking at them, particularly Pete.

Pete immediately moved to get down from horse in haste since he was now feeling embarrassed as the people were watching him. Ae chuckled as he unmounted the horse, letting the worker at stable take care of it.

Pete didn't wait for Ae and immediately rushed inside the palace while heading towards their bed chamber. Ae having seen Pete running, followed him soon. "Pete!! Wait!!" Ae called as he ran after his husband but his chase was cut off when someone stumbled into him. The other person quickly caught him before they both felt down.

"Your highness!!" the other person said while helping Ae steady up. "Sir Zee... Thank you..." Ae said while smiling. "Your highness, where have you been?" Zee inquired. "I have just gone out with Pete. Why? Is something wrong?" Ae inquired.

"Yes... Someone tried to break into the prison. Some of the keys are missing so the emperor had ordered to get the new locks. Thankfully, no prisoner got a chance to escape. We were alerted on right time." Zee informed. "WHAT?? Did you catch the traitor?" Ae asked. "Unfortunately, there haven't been any trace of the person who had sneaked in there. It seems like this person is well aware about the working of palace. We need to pay close attention to everyone now. I feel something is going to happen soon." Zee spoke out his concern.

"In that case, I would prefer to have more people protecting Pete. This person whoever he or she is will definitely try to hurt him." Ae stated. "I too feel the same. Don't worry your highness, I will have more people looking after Prince." Zee assured. "That's good. Thank you for informing me and be careful." Ae said as he turned around heading back to their chamber.

Things at the palace got complicated after the news of trespassers got out. Pete was being watched all time and the guards were on alert throughout. Sir Amonrat had personally visited Pete to talk to him about something important, telling him to be alert and giving him some stuff that he could use to protect himself.

As Pete was in his chamber sitting on the couch, the guards outside announced the arrival of the maid and Pete just ignored thinking it was either Hom or Phailin who would have come to make the bed but then, he was snapped out of his thoughts when a familiar female voice greeted him, "Your highness..."

Pete immediately looked up with a shocked expression when he saw the person who had walked into his chamber. "Khem!! What are you doing here?" Pete asked getting up from the couch. "You don't know? Oh yes, how dumb of me!! Ae had appointed me as the maid and I am sure that he wouldn't have told you about this. After all, he don't want you to doubt him." Khem replied.

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