Chapter 1

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It has been a couple months since summer started, and I was finally away from Nevermore. I will be returning soon.

 As much as I hate to admit it, I had enjoyed my time there. 

I stared at the black box. 

I wonder why Xavier gave it to me…  It's a huge waste of time. Using it would just put me in the standards society sets out for people and the fantasy that how you live, look and post holds any importance in the real world!  

I gagged at the idea.

Plus, the one time I tried to use it I was immediately introduced to a death threat and a stalker.

 Although that mystery sounds positively thrilling, it is my holiday and I absolutely do not intend to waste it conforming to society's norms.

As I look at the revolting box I remember his words,"I wouldn't mind a text though." 

It would be very rude not to ‘text’ him. I owe him at least that much. After all, I caused his wrongful arrest. 

Normally I would not care about him at all, he is nothing more than a distraction. But lately he has been constantly in my thoughts, and stubbornly refusing to leave my mind.  

I picked up the box. 

Of course this is just because I owe him. Nothing more! I did ruin his school year. That's all this is. Nothing more.

I slowly retrieve the phone, and check the contacts.

 He said he put his own contact information inside. Why would he want to talk to me? I thought to myself. I look and see the contact 'Xavier.' Plain and simple. I looked at the picture and I saw him in his usual uniform. Heat rose to my cheeks, what is this unfamiliar emotion? He looks to be in his art shed, his hair is down to his shoulders. He is smiling. I look closer and notice the painting of me playing my cello. The painting was framed. 

I started typing a message to him, It takes me 15 minus to figure out how to achieve such a feat, However once I had figured it out, I wrote:

 'Hello, the torture device you gifted me with -unfortunately- works.' And pressed the blue send icon.

I set down the device as I sat at my bed in silence. Only a second later I heard a small ping. I open my phone to see it was from Xavier,

 'Glad to see you hate it. I guess the dark and mysterious Wednesday Addams finally decided to take me up on that text.' 

I shut the phone back in its box. Once should be enough. After all,l I only have a week until we return to Nevermoor, he can wait another week to talk to me.

I close my eyes for a minute only to be haunted by Tyler. I'm going back in a week and Tyler has already escaped his containment.

 He betrayed me and yet I couldn't help but think of him. He was the first boy to kiss me and get close to me, only to be revealed as a murderer. I was hurt. But, I am Wednesday Addams, I don’t get caught up on boys.

 All he had done was prove that romantic relationships are just a waste of time. An unnecessary distraction from more important things, like torturing Pugsley

 I tried to shake him out of my mind and I thought of Xavier. He had warned me about Tyler. Why had I ignored the warning?

 Maybe Xavier isn't a huge waste of time.

 But he is a distraction. Maybe not a bad distraction though... With that thought I drifted off to a blissfully dreamless sleep.


Sorry its short. I know I hate short chapters too but it's almost 4 am and its my first story. I cannot promise the other chapters wont be short was well but I will try. Anygays if this gets some views I will continue to post as much as I can. Also please don't comment that "Wednesday wouldn't do that" or something I tried to make her as much as her original character as possible for a love story.

649 words

Wednesday x Xavier/discontinued Where stories live. Discover now