Chapter 8

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"Wednesday we need to talk.."

I stare at Tyler with disgust and not the good kind of disgust. I see Xavier glancing between me and Tyler.

After what feels like forever of silence I decide to speak up, "There is nothing to speak about, Tyler." I say with no emotion showing. I would definitely not give him any satisfaction of any sort. "Look I don't care about you and whatever you have to say. So you may leave." I gester to the door.

Tyler looks slightly hurt at this. "Wednesday I was forced. I promise I came to this school to make a fresh start, and maybe we could make a fresh start?"

"Tyler I said leave." I say looking into his eyes with no emotion.

"Wednesda-" He starts but gets interrupted quickly.

"I think she said leave, Tyler." Xavier says looking at him angered. They made eye contact for a minute before Tyler stormed out with a mix of anger and jealousy.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as Xavier looks at me, like I was glass, worried I would break if he breathed wrong.

"Xavier stop looking at me like that. Im not hurt. I couldn't care less." I say making sure I didn't break character once. Im not weak and I won't have anyone looking at me like I am.

"Come on I will walk you back." He spoke choosing to ignore it all. I nod at him as we both grab our coats. He grabs a umbrella as it is now raining. We walk back under his red umbrella in awkward yet comfortable, silence. And before I know it we are back at the dorms.

"Well good nightmares, Xavier" I turning to my dorms. Before I can walk any further he grabs my hand and spins me back around. As we get a little too close he smiles at my disgustingly rose tinted cheeks.

"Goodnight, Wednesday." He smirks and turns and descends in the way to his own dorms.

I stand there confused. I turn and walk slowly to my dorm a million thoughts working it's way into my head.

Why were we so close?

Why'd he pull me close to him just to say goodnight?

Why did my cheeks burn?

Why can't I get that smile out of my head?

Why did I think he was going to kiss me?

More importantly why did I want him to kiss me?

I walk into my dorm and see that Enid is out and I go to my bed and lay down. At least Enid can't question me about why I'm so red. Why am I so red? I groan into a pillow and slowly fall into a slumber questions still surrounding my mind.


I finally did it! I uploaded a actual part! Honestly I will have writers block which is why this chapter is so short but please tell me if it was good or not cause I forced myself to write this and I can't tell if its ok or not. But anyways I'm thinking about writing another story after this since people seem to enjoy my writing so if you have any ships you like tell me. Im open to basically any ship tbh. Also doesn't have to be a straight ship or one from Wednesday at all. Just comment any ship but im telling you all right now I draw the line at incest if anyone comments a incest ship I will delete the comment cause im not doing that. Thanks for all the support love y'all!

603 words!

Wednesday x Xavier/discontinued Where stories live. Discover now