Chapter 6

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How to get them is the problem. They haven't even announced the new principal yet, for all I know the principal is guarding those things. The files would help a lot tho.

I think while walking to my next class when someone calls out my name from behind.

"Wednesday!" I look around to see Mai.

"Wednesday lets talk in my class for a moment." I look at her tilting my head a bit furrowing my brows in confusion and a bit of suspicion.

She doesn't say another word before turning around walking towards her class. I don't want to miss my next class on my first day but I hesitantly follow her.

After a couple minutes of walking in silence she opens the door to reveal her classroom.

"So Wednesday, I was surprised to see you chose to come back to this school. Honestly I thought you would have hated it her but then I heard what happened last year, plus that boy you seem so close with." She says while walking over to her desk sitting on it, messing with a pencil she picked up. She doesn't make much eye contact from her pencil but she does glance up at the last sentence.

"What was his name? Xavier?" She continues as I fist up my hands a bit. "Don't get me wrong I get it, he's cute. Maybe too good for you tho~"

"And what? You're good enough?" A say angered. I don't know why I'm so frustrated I don't think I like him but one thing I do know is that she's definitely not getting him.

"Maybe I am." She smirks at my anger.

"Please, if im not good enough then I know for damn sure you're not. You can barely hold a relationship for a week plus you're not his type." I say laughing a bit at idiocy. Does she really think Xavier would ever like her? Once he see's she's a total asshole he definitely won't. Right? I mean even if he does why is that my problem? He's just a friend helping me out with my newest mystery.

I was broken from my thoughts by a a hand coming onto contact with my face. I look up to see Mai looking angrily at me. She slapped me?

"Look here dear 'cousin' don't get in my way. You won't like me angry." Mai says in a harsh tone in her voice.

"No, you listen to me Mai. I got shot twice last year, I got choked also twice and almost died at least 5 times. If you really think you're stupid empty threats are gonna scare me you are wrong." I say with my normal calm expression, even tho for some reason I was actually mad. I never let anyone's words get to me but for some reason her talking about Xavier like that got on my nerves. I turned around and left without another word.

Wait.. Is she possibly the stalker? The stalker did say something about taking what's theirs, I thought they were talking about me but was it possible that it was Xavier? I continued walking to class. I need those files and fast. If this really is Mai those files will say any record she has of possible stalkings. I never knew my cousin well. Neither of our family's were close even though we were family. We didn't talk to each other since my dad never really liked his sister. I didn't either but her husband wasn't bad just quiet. Before I could get to class the bell rang.

It was lunch. I heard from Enid that they were gonna announce the principal at lunch. They were also going to announce something else but no one has really heard much about the other thing. As I walk to the courtyard I see Enid and Ajax with Xavier. I walk towards them.

"Hello." I greet them.

"Wednesday! Who do you think is gonna be the next principle?" She says a little too excited. I decide not to answer her question and walk beside them as she ignores it and continues to ramble to Ajax. I catch Xavier staring at me as I glance at him. I look at his amber brown eyes and avert my eyes immediately looking away.

We arrived at the courtyard with all the other students. We see a teacher in the front with a mic while we sit. Everyone talking about who it will be. She clears her throat in the mic as the room quickly goes silent.

"As we all know Mrs. Weems has sadly passed away. May she rest in peace." She says. "Well I am here to announce our new principal. Mr. Addams." I look a bit shocked to hear the last part. I look up to see my Uncle? Mai's dad?

He takes the mic and dismisses the teacher. "Why hello students of Nevermore. I am Alexander Addams. I will be your new principal. I also have something else to announce. We all remember last year and the Hyde. Well seeing as though the Hyde isn't under Thornhills control anymore..." Don't tell me he's saying what I think he is? I think as he continues, "We are letting Tyler into the school.."


So sorry for not posting lately I know I've said that like 3 times but I feel bad. I hope you liked this chapter!

905 words.

Wednesday x Xavier/discontinued Where stories live. Discover now