Chapter 7

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Tyler is back? The hole lunchroom was yelling. Demanding he leaves as Tyler comes into view. Xavier looks at me concern filling his eyes. I just continue staring up. I see Tyler look around for a brief moment before his eyes land on me. My cold black heart sank from my body. I was angry, upset, and betrayed. I slammed my hands on the table as I looked away from him I didn't want to see him anymore. I walked out of the courtyard as fast as I could while everyone looked at me as they quiet down. Xavier stands up also and walks after me.

I keep walking not knowing where im going. I just need to get out of there. Usually I love chaos but really? Out of all people Tyler had to come back.

"Wednesday!" I hear Xavier yell at me but I keep walking. I look up and realize im going towards the woods. I don't know why but I keep going.

"Wednesday please!" Xavier yells again with the slightest bit of hurt coming from him. I want to turn back and throw myself on him. I want to hug him but I push those feelings down. I can't let this stupid boy get the better of me.

I keep walking. Xavier of course following as he doesn't seem to know the concept of leaving me alone. One part of me is thankful for that the other is trying to push whatever those feelings are down.

I stop and look up I suddenly realized where I am. I don't know why I subconsciously decided to go here but I was infront of Xavier's shed. Xavier stopped behind me as well.

"Wednesday..." Xavier said almost whispering. His voice laced with concern. He sounded genuine no pity in his voice at all. I decided not to respond and I went inside the shed and sat at one of the chairs. He followed obviously. I finally got the strength to look at him.

"Could you draw me something?" I said not letting any form of feelings out. He stared at me for a minute confused.

"Uh yeah sure?" He said going over to his desk. I don't know why I wanted to see him draw when we were in Mai's classroom and he drew me a raven all my feelings washed away though. It calmed me to see his drawings come to life and him to work to passionately on something.

He got out a sketchbook and tore a large piece of paper from it. He look out a pencil sharpening it until he was satisfied, he also got out a kneaded eraser along with a normal eraser. He looking towards me as I brought me chair next to him examining the paper as if something was on it.

"So um what do you want me to draw?" He said still slightly concerned but mostly confused.

"Anything that you can make come alive." I say trying to sound as blunt as possible.

"Ok?" He thinks for a moment then starts to glide his pencil along the paper. I look at him seeing the concentration in his eyes and my heart beat rises. I look back at the paper afraid he would see me staring. I look at it intensely trying to see what it was even though he just started. He looks at me and laughs a bit.

"What?" I say a bit confused to his sudden laugh.

"Nothing. I just never knew you took such a interest in my art."

"Should I not?" I say confused.

"No its ok." He says as he continues the drawing. I stare at him for a moment wondering what that meant. I shake my head a bit and focus back on the drawing. He seemed to finish the outline as he was shading. I could finally tell what it was, a bat. I wondered by he chose a bat but I didn't want to overthink it.

After another 10 minutes of me staring between him a the drawing and him stealing a few glances. We both never dared to say another word. He had finished the bat. It looked realistic. He stared at me while I continued to stare at the drawing in awe. He smiled lightly at me at put his hand over the drawing. I looked at him a bit confused until I say the vat come to life. It flew around us as I continued to stare at it.

I looked back to Xavier as he stared at me. His amber eyes shined in comparison to my black ones. His long hair shined in the orange tinted lights as it flowed down on his shoulders. He both stared at each other not daring to move. My heart I once thought was dead was beating so loudly I was afraid he might hear. The bats in my stomach returned.

I got snapped back into my thoughts as a door slammed open. I turned around to see a face I never wished to see I slowly got out of my chair and so did Xavier. Xavier stepped closely to me as the bat returned to the paper.

"Wednesday, we need to talk..."


Hi! Ren here! Anygays sorry for not posting it was my holiday plus I got recommended by my doctor to a counselor so im gonna be going to that. I also had no idea how to continue the story but I think I have an idea of what I want. Anygays sorry for bringing Tyler back I know how many people are mad about that by how many comments are under review on the paragraph tyler came back on. But I needed some more drama so too bad. Also I am hopefully getting a editor on this story by new years but they have had internet issues so fingers crossed it works out. Bye! Love you guys!

992 words

Wednesday x Xavier/discontinued Where stories live. Discover now