Chapter 3

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~Wednesdays pov again~

I stare at the picture of me inside my dorm. I look at where it was taken, outside my window. I get up and I slowly walk to the window.

"Whose there?" I say getting closer to the window. As I get to it I look around outside of it. I see a black figure running away. I was about to chase it down but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

I compose myself as I walk to the door. I open it to see Xavier.

"Hey Wednesday, I forgot my phone." He said with a stupid smile. I move out of the way with a nod. He steps in and grabs his phone from the nightstand.

"Well if that was all I was busy." I say wondering if the stalker could still be close by.

"Yeah? Doing what?" Xavier says walking a bit closer. He smirks getting a bit cocky. I consider telling him but then remembered the last time I got him involved with a investigation I got him arrested.

"Writing my novel." I lie. He stares at me a bit. Does he know im lying?

"I thought you already did your hour of writing?" He said. I forgot I mentioned that earlier when Enid brought up my writing.

"Yes, well I had some spare time so.." I say, taking a step back as he moves a bit closer. He towers over me due to the height difference. I start to feel something in my chest it's something I've never felt before. Like bats in my stomach? And my heart seems to be having perhaps a seizure?

I get another notification from my phone and see the black figure at the widow again. They see me looking and they leave. I didn't see their face as it was covered by a black hood.

Xavier looks at me with a bit of concern lingering on his face. "What aren't you telling me?" He says in a serious deep tone.

"Nothing.." I say not breaking eye contact as I reach for my phone. He sees this a grabs my phone before I have the chance to even touch it.

He moves away from me so I couldn't grab it. He unlocks it. I should've put a lock on that...

"Wednesday, what the fuck is this?" He says with a hint of anger in his tone. He looked at me concerned and angry at the same time. He then looks at the window opening it and going out.

I stay speechless but I walk out with him. The stalker is gone. Xavier slams on the balcony railing a bit frustrated that he lost him.

He seems to calm down as he takes a deep breath and turns to looks at me.

"Wednesday how long has this been going on?" He says softly.

"It started about a hour after you gave me the phone. They haven't texted me anymore after that until now." I say giving up on not concerning him with this case.

He gets closer to me, our body's almost on each other. He looks down at me with sad eyes. I don't know why but I feel a little hurt at this.

"Im sorry." He says. His eyes looking down into mine.

"You haven't done anything yet." I say breaking out of the trance his brown eyes put me in. I take a step back and I try and keep my composure.

I walk back into my dorm mentally slapping myself for feeling those things. He just looked so perfect... I mentally slap myself again for thinking that.

I see Thing out of the corner of my eye giving me a tap that indicates him shipping us. I flick him slightly as Xavier comes back into the dorm.

"Ok so any ideas of who the hell that is?" He says.

"Well Tyler and Thornhill is in jail, crackstone is dead. So no not that I can think of." I say.

"Well at least this time I cant be a suspect since I was with you." He says trying to lighten the mood. I look at his stupid smile as he sits down on my chair looking at me while im sitting on my bed.

I want to smile but I keep it hidden. He keeps looking at me as he chuckles softly.

"What? Is something funny?" I say. Thinking he's laughing at me as I frown slightly.

"Just thinking of last year... For some reason all I can think of is the time you saw my painting of you for the first time." He says smiling.

"Yeah I liked it. Especially when you made it move." I say with a hint of pink fluttering on my cheeks. The bats in my stomach came back and my heart is beating fast. Have I been poisoned?

He stayed silent, staring at me smiling. I cant help but stare back.

"Oh my gosh..." Shit... Enid squeals a bit and jumps.

Oh well...


Sorry for the late post. Im trying to get in a chapter everyday but unfortunately im in the hell hole called highschool. So rn my life is full of work and drama. I hope you understand! Anygays sorry if this chapter sucks I was rushing since I have school in the morning and it's 12:30 a.m right now.

898 words.

Wednesday x Xavier/discontinued Where stories live. Discover now