Chapter 2

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~Wednesday pov~

It was the next week. I was going back to Nevermore. These past months of torture has been great but I regret to say I kinda missed Nevermore. Only a little bit, don't get too excited.

As I put all my things together in my black duffle bag, great for storing bodies but unfortunately today it was being used for a different reason.

I glance at my phone wondering if I dare to even pack it. I haven't gotten anymore messages not for the stalker or Xavier. Those two were the only ones who knew of my number, not including my family whom has put their number in.

Fuck it. I grab the torture device that consumes society. I mentally gag at the idea of me becoming a victim to social media.

"My terrible demon! It's about time to leave!" I hear my mom say from downstairs. I pick up my bags and descend the stairs.

I get into the car with my parents and my brother, Pugsley. I look out the window not interested in conversation or watching my parents flirt and suck faces.

An hour later I see a fairly large but familiar school. I get a little excited as we pull up but I cover it up with my normal face. I get out of the car and I notice people glancing at me and whispering.

I slowly walk to my down feeling strange as I notice it wasn't the usual stares of disgust I get or hatred. They liked me? I hear people whisper about me saving the school and the stuff that happened last year. I hear Tyler's name mentioned and I frown deeper than I knew was possible.

I finally get to my dorm. As I was about to open the door a certain blond beats me to it and tackles me to the ground.

"Wednesday!" She say very loudly and excited as we fall down. I was trying to get used to this physical attention more especially with Enid so I hug back.

"I missed you!" She chirps as she breaks the hug, still on top of me and her hands on my shoulders.

I get a chance to look at her. Her hair still mostly blond with her usual pastel streaks in it. It is a bit longer, about a inch past her shoulders. Her body has matured a bit, but other than that it was the same old Enid I knew and love.

"I supposed I missed you a little bit too." I say as I get out of her hold and stand up. Only for Enid to stand up with me and hug me again as she squeals.
"You missed me!!!!" She manages to squeal out.

I finally get a chance to actually get into the dorm. I slightly smile at the fact she decorated only her side so I got my side. I notice Ajax on her bed along with Xavier.

"I hope you don't mind I invited them in since Ajax offered to help me unpack and Xavier helped me decorate!" She says.

"I don't mind." I started, "Hello Ajax, Xavier." I look at them as I get a wave from Ajax. Xavier gets up and walks towards me.

"Hey Wednesday. Good to see you, I'm glad that you decided to text me last week." He smirks proudly at his last statement.

"I knew you would be sulking if I hadn't so I decided texting you would be less trouble than dealing with that." I say not giving away my pride.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait." I hear Enid say. Right Enid...

"First off you got a phone and didn't tell me? Second what's with Xavier knowing before me? And finally what's with the sexual tension I sense between you two!?" She squeals the last sentence excited while basically on Ajax's lap. I didn't understand why there was nothing going on between us.

"To answer the first two questions, he gave me a phone before I left, you had already left and I figured it wasn't a big deal. And to answer the last question nothing is going on." I say calmly I see Xavier frown a bit almost looking disappointed. I wonder why.

After a bit of us talking Ajax and Xavier had to leave. Enid went with Ajax to help him with his room a bit before night time. I stay behind.

I look at my phone and hear a slight ding. I look at it curious as I got up upon hearing another ding coming from it. I look at it and my face slightly drops.

Of course... I still have that stalker after all and their here...

786 words

Wednesday x Xavier/discontinued Where stories live. Discover now