Chapter 9

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I woke up from my slumber to realize Enid hadn't came back last night, I found it strange since she never wakes up before me. So I just assume she is at Ajax's.

I get dressed into my regular dark clothing and ready my things and I head to my first class seeing as it was still a school day.

As im heading to class I see Ajax looking for someone. I thought Enid would be with him by now? I mean their practically glued together at this point. Its revolting. He seems to see me and walk towards me.

"Hey Wednesday, have you seen Enid? She hasn't been texting me back." He asked.

"No I haven't, she wasn't in bed when I got up." I say slightly confused.

"I haven't seen her all morning and she didn't text me when she got back to her dorm." Ajax panicked as he said this.

"Hey, Ajax anything yet?" Xavier yelled rounding the corner of the school.

"Not yet." He yelled back. I was getting slightly worried at this. As I didn't like to admit it but, Enid has sadly became my friend. Of course I didn't let this show as I composed myself letting my rationality keep me together.

"Ajax, this is Enid we are talking about. She probably went shopping for more of her horrid bright clothes." I said continuing to keep my composure.

"Yeah, but Wednesday, should we take any chances with that stalker roaming around?" Xavier said, letting the word, stalker slip.

"Wait, wait, wait." Ajax piped in. "Stalker?"

"Yes, I suppose someone has been stalking me." I say sighing. No point in keeping it a secret now I guess.

"You only tell me this now? That there's a stalker roaming around and they maybe have my girlfriend?" He says slightly raising his voice.

"He's only after me, I didn't see how it would affect Enid. So I didn't see the point of mentioning it." I replied nonchalantly. Ajax seems to calm down a bit at this.

"Maybe because she's your friend?" Xavier pipes in.

"Perhaps. My only question is who would go through all that trouble?"

"Tyler?" Ajax suggests. "I mean he did kidnap you once and fight Enid and lost."

"He was in jail by the time the first text was sent." I replied.

"Unless he had help?" Xavier suggests. "Maybe Mai?"

"No she didn't go to the school last year and the first text was sent in the school building at the end of school." I replied.

"It would be easy for her to gain access to the school I mean applications for a new teacher was around then, plus her dad was becoming the new principal. It would also explain her being able to get your number so fast." Ajax suggest. The bell rings.

"Then it's settled, we have our first subjects. We will need to question them. Meet up at the Nightshade club room after school, we'll formulate a plan to get Enid back, there." I say as the all nod at me and walk to class.

Sorry I haven't updated😭😭😭. Writers block and my Autism deciding we need to hyperfocus on pasta is not good for writing. Which is also why the writing on this is kinda sloppy. Im also sorry if I'm adding too much drama, I promise it will all come together soon. Anygays... Who do you guys think it is? Comment your opinions I wanna knowww.

Also special sorry to my editor. I've been pretty much ghosting them cause Wattpad doesn't send message notifications too my phone and now I don't know how to respond.. Sorryyyyyy.

Wednesday x Xavier/discontinued Where stories live. Discover now