Chapter 4

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After what happened in my room Xavier left with a quite goodbye as Enid screeched. After Xavier left, Enid pampered me with questions.

"Eeek! Wednesday what's up with you and Xavier!" She basically scream while she puts her hands on my shoulders rocking me back and fourth. Her eyebrows wiggled up and down suggestively and she gave me a smug look.

"Nothing we're just friends..." The last park left a empty feeling in my chest like something (or someone) was missing. Was I upset? Over me not dating a boy? No. Never. Wednesday Addams does not get upset. Especially over a boy.

"Well that didn't look like nothing. He was clearly into you, the way he looked at you. You can tell. Plus he's had a thing for you since last year!" Enid said finally letting go of the grip she had on me. Sometimes I forget how strong she is.

Wait. It finally dawned on me of what she said. "He's never had a thing for me?" I said.

"How could you be so blind to love..." Enid said as if she was just waiting for us to get together. Love? Xavier doesn't love me?

"Love?" I say confused.

"Of course! He has been chasing you the second you step foot on nevermore like a lost puppy. He always looked at you and only you where ever you were, he would ask me if you were ok and stuff, he probably painted you a lot, he was head over heels for you." Enid said.

Was he really? I can admit he does keep a annoying close tab on me, he did save me, and said yes to the dance. But then I put him in jail and did all those false accusations against him. I thought he would definitely lose interest after that... Did he not?

I was lost in my trance not even realizing my cheeks seemed to have a hint of pink on them. Enid of coursed did though. She basically screamed.

"OMG YOU LOVE HIM TOO!" She screams.

"That's preposterous, I don't have feelings for Xavier." Deep down I knew it was a lie. But can you blame me? The last person I fell for was a serial killing monster. As much as I hate to admit it I was still recovering from that. Not only the wounds I got but the heartache as well.

"Whatever you say~!" She says with slight sarcasm. I rolled eyes as we both get into bed.

"Good nightmares Enid." I say.

"Goodnight, Wednesday!" She chirps.


Me and Enid got up at 7:30 am. It was the first day back into our classes. My stalker has been a bit quite as of late, I thought they'd be more noisy now that I was back but I only had 2 text since I have been back.

I think of suspects as I braid my hair. Enid and Ajax were together in his dorm that night so it wasn't them plus they were definitely not capable of this. Xavier was with me. It was probably a vampire or a werewolf given how fast they were... Maybe Yoko? Or one of Enids werewolf buddies? I know their a student based on how they sent me a picture of Tyler and me at the dance last semester. So they also aren't a new student...

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud Enid slamming the bathroom door open.

"Omg Wednesday. What should accessories should I wear with the uniform? How should I wear my hair? I need to look were-tastic for my first day back!" She says clearly panicking.

"Enid you will look good in anything just pick something we're gonna be late." I say calmly while putting on my black shoes with my uniform. She smiles and takes a few deep breaths.

"That's right I got this! I am Enid Sinclair and I can pull off anything!" She says finally choosing her accessories. She puts on her shoes and we head out.

Our first class was plants... Mrs Thornhill's old class... I took a deep breath pushing down every emotion I had. I walked in and looked around. All Thornhill's stuff was gone.

Enid of course ran straight to Ajax sitting next to him leaving me to sit by Xavier. I walk over to him. I look around and see a few girls practically drooling over him. I sit beside him.

"Hey Wednesday." He says looking at over at me from his sketch drawing what seems to be a raven.

"Hello Xavier." I say as I look away from his gaze. I glance back to see him making the Raven come to life. I remember him doing this last year to impress me. Last year I wasn't put something was different this time. I watched it sore in circles around the class before coming down and landing in front of me, looking at me. I feel Xavier's gaze on me. I look towards him a bit, he seemed infatuated by me. His head was leaning against his hand as he looked at me smiling.

We both snap out of our trance as the Raven gets smashed by a book. I look up to see a a girl. My cousin?

"Mai? What are you doing here?" I say slightly surprised by her sudden appearance.

"Isn't it obvious? Im your new teacher, little cousin."


903 words.

Wednesday x Xavier/discontinued Where stories live. Discover now