Discontinued/ End Reveal?

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I am officially discontinuing this story. I am so sorry to everyone who liked it, but I lost too much motivation for it. On top of loss of motivation, this story was supposed to be more for me and honestly I expected it to flop. I was kinda holding onto the idea only like 2 or 3 people would actually read it, not over 1,000.

Although this story will be discontinued if you would like me to write a few paragraphs on how I was planning for this story to end and the thoughts behind the ending I will gladly do so, so tell me if you guy's would like that or if you want to leave it up for interpretation.

One more thing. Although I lost interest in this book I might be up for another if you guys want.

145 words

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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