Chapter 4

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Weeks Later

~Tara's POV~

   I waited and watched as Sophie got closer to Tedros until lunch one day when she was draped on his arm. They walked over to the good side and sat down in front of everyone.

"That's just wrong." Kiko stuttered out. I narrowed my eyes and blew out some magic towards Sophie. I saw her shiver and then turned towards me. I tilted my head but her expression just hardened. I smiled and looked around at her group of friends and the princesses I was forced to sit with. Both sides got up as Tedros said he was taking Sophie to the next Evers Ball.

"You are not taking that half-dressed she wolf instead of me." I sat back in my seat and watched the scene in front of me play out. A little nudge was all it took for the two schools to start fighting. I chuckled lowly as I watched Agatha be moved swiftly through the crowd.

"Stop! Please!" I heard her say but another voice boomed throughout the hall.

"Stop it!" I whirled around to see Professor Dovey breathing hard and Lady Lesso looked mad. I giggled but I think they both heard. Lady Lesso gave me a hard look while Dovey sighed and walked over.

"Tedros, Sophie please make your way to the library. Tara, a word if you will." I gracefully stood up and walked from the cafeteria. I looked back briefly and saw Lady Lesso had softened her look towards me. I made a kissy face and her expression hardened again. Don't get distracted. I sighed and continued until Professor Dovey stopped me.

"I saw what you did back there. Why would you entertain them like that? You know that Sophie and Tedros cannot be together." I just shrugged.

"If it's true love than why are we even talking about it?" I turned around and slowly walked up to my room. I smiled as I already saw Rafal in the mirror.

"You did well. Now, just sit back and watch. Sophie won't need any more of your magic." Rafal then disappeared and I stood there dumbfounded.

"How dare he!" I shrieked in rage and threw my book at the mirror. I watched as it just bounced off and onto the floor. They magicked the mirrors, great. I walked over to my window seat and looked out towards the garden below.

   Hours went by and then the sun was setting. I saw movement by the forest doors and saw a bunch of students gathered around. A spark of light went up into the air and then the doors to the blue forest opened. I watched intently as Tedros walked through them and the doors closed behind him.

"A Trial by Tale." I whispered to myself. I picked up my hand mirror and concentrated on the blue forest. I kept trying for so long until I thought to focus on Sophie.

"You knew she wouldn't help me." Tedros spoke and I watched this all from Sophie's eyes.

"That's not true." Agatha?

"That's not fair. Everyone knows the prince saves the princess, not the other way around. I can't change the world if I'm dead." Oh no Sophie. Tedros scoffed and then started laughing.

"And I thought you were Good." Tedros reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his red handkerchief. He dropped it and was gone from sight.

"No. No, no, no!" Sophie dropped down and then looked over to Agatha.

"You. You did this." Sophie seethed out.

"I... I was just trying to help. Sophie, you know you'd both be dead right now if I hadn't." Agatha defended herself.

"Liar. You knew this would happen. First, you steal my school, and now you're trying to steal my prince."

"How can you say that? I... Sophie I'm your best friend." Agatha was trying to hold back tears.

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