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Chapter four

Alice was seated on a bench outside. The air was clean and crisp, causing her to adore the breeze that would occasionally hit her exposed skin.

Her hair was sloppily tied up in the back as loose strands blew back with each wind.
Her school blazer was thrown off to the side, leaving her in a white button-down, black tie, and navy blue sweater vest.

She had her headphones placed faultlessly on her head as she listened to 'The Cure' and consumed a bag of Sour Patch Kids.

A delicate tap on her shoulder pulled her out of her serene haze.

"Meteorologist, I'm guessing."

She slid her headphones off her head and onto her neck as she looked up at the boy. "Pardon me?"

Rowan smiled a little. "It started to rain again, just like you said."

"When it's raining the weather is just easily predictable."

He was holding her polka-dot umbrella in his hand. She glanced down at it and grinned. "Are you here to return Ladybug?"


Alice chuckled and pointed at the umbrella. "That's Ladybug."

"You named your umbrella?" He questioned finding that thoroughly strange.

"It's a red umbrella with black polka dots. I thought it was cute."

He furrowed his brows.

She gasped. "Rowan Laslow. Do you not think every person, place, or thing is worthy of a name?"

He just stood there—staring at her. He wasn't sure if he was infatuated by her peculiarity, or if he detested it entirely.

She blew a strand of hair out of her face.

Scratch that, he was certainly infatuated. Nothing has changed.

"If you believe it's true, then so do I." He handed the girl her umbrella back.

Rowan was dressed in his uniform. Luckily for him, it was dry.

"Do you want to sit down?" She asked as moved over to give him space.

He nodded, taking his seat on the bench. He made sure he kept a gapy distance from the girl, he didn't want to make her feel uneasy.

She wiggled the bag of Sour Patch Kids in his face. "Want one?"

"I'm alright."

She shrugged her shoulders, biting the head off of the confectionery child. "Bad decision."

He looked down at her shoes. They were rain boots, but not her usual red ones— they were pink and stopped at her knees.

"I like the new boots."

Her gaze shifted down to her boots, her cheeks turning crimson. "Thanks."


It wasn't an awkward silence— it was comfortable.

Alice's amber eyes meet the verdant color of Rowan's. Like leaves to fresh soil. Their eyes were already friends.

A soft—sweet smile flitted across Alice's face. "Do you want to come with me to Jericho on Saturday?"

Rowan died and went to heaven. Well, that's how he thought dying and going to heaven would feel, anyway.

Was it a date? Was she asking him on a date? He didn't know—he wanted to know though.

He nodded, rapidly. There was a mixture of,
yes—yeah—sure and definitely before he could say, "I'd love to."

"Alright then. It's a date."

No air.
No breath.
He stopped breathing.

He pulled his inhaler out of his pocket taking a long puff.

Worry flushed her face. "Are you alright?"

Rowan nodded. "I'm fine... just my asthma."

A LITTLE INSANE. Rowan LaslowWhere stories live. Discover now