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Chapter six

The car ride was particularly silent. Rowan observed as Alice switched through radio stations in an attempt to find something promising to listen to.

He didn't care what they listened to.

Glancing out of the window. He scanned. They had already driven by many possible locations for a date, this made him wonder.

Where were they going?

The car halted.

Rowan looked towards Alice, he felt her dark eyes latch onto his face. Principal Weems just eyed the two teenagers as they examined each other.

"Are you ready?" Alice questioned. The slight smile that appeared on her face didn't go unnoticed by Rowan.

He nodded.

"I'll pick you both back up when you're finished here." She pulled her pair of heart-shaped sunglasses down to her eyes, grinning. "Have fun."

The doors to the vehicle opened, and the pair slid out of it. The building was a Children's clinic, He read the sign. He tilted his head at Alice, remarkably blurred.

She gave him a saddened face. "I know that this is not somewhere you take someone for a first date but I just hate coming to town alone and thought that you—"

He cut her off.

"— I don't mind."

Alice's eyebrow furrowed. "You don't?"

He lifted his glasses lightly as he talked. "N0, hanging out with you is more than enough, we don't need a fancy dinner or anything like that."

Her dark eyes widened as her cheeks flushed.

He froze. That sounded like he was flirting. He didn't mean for it to sound like that. He didn't want to scare away. "You know? Since I don't have many friends. Hanging out is like an infrequent experience."

She laughed, it was coated with a timid sentiment. "Of, course."

"So, uh- what are we doing here, exactly?" Rowan asked looking around.

"I volunteer here. Being a healer, and all, I thought it was a good way for me to use my ability." She smiled and turned away from the boy, stepping to the door. "Plus, these kids love me."

Rowan followed behind the girl, a smile gracing his face.

When they arrived inside the building, children crowded the entrance. Some were in crutches, and some were in wheelchairs. They all wore hospital gowns and blue socks.

A young girl with curly brown hair took a glimpse at the two teenagers before shouting, "Look, it's Alice!"

The children all turned towards her and smiled.

Rowan's smile had grown at the sight of the interaction. Some, if not all of the children, ran up to the teenage girl and enveloped her in hugs.

She laughed as multiple tiny hands bombarded her.
"Guys, I brought someone with me."

Every pair of tiny eyes glued onto Rowan's face. He blinked. He didn't know what to say. "Hi?"

A LITTLE INSANE. Rowan LaslowWhere stories live. Discover now