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Chapter twelve

Thereupon bringing an unconscious Wednesday Addams back to the Nurse's office, Alice went to find Rowan.

Honestly, she expected him to still be waiting in the nurse's office, yet she gaped when she didn't see him sitting in his usual seat. He could simply just be in his dorm working on homework or perhaps taking a nap—no matter what it was though, there was something internal that wouldn't let Alice dismiss him until she knew he was alright.

Alice knocked on the door of his dorm, waiting for an answer.

No answer. She frowned.

She knocked again. "Rowan?"

She suddenly heard feet pacing around the room. She knew it wasn't Xavier, he was with Wednesday.

"Rowan, I know it's you. Can you please just open the door?" Her voice was gentle, she didn't want to sound pushy.

The door opened slightly. Alice could only see him through the small crack of the door.

"What do you want?"

Alice stopped and stared at the boy when the words came out of his mouth. His tone scared her—he was usually soft-spoken, what's with the sudden voice modification.

"When I went to find you, you were gone. I came to check if you were alright." Alice let out.

Rowan ran a hand through his hair in strain. "I'm fine, so can you please leave? I have things I need to figure out."

"Do you need any help?"

"No!" He spoke, his voice hardened.

Alice's eyebrows lowered. "What is going on with you?"

He didn't say anything else as he waited for the girl to walk away.

Alice gave the boy a fake smile before she turned on her heel, and walked away from him. She had no clue what was going on with Rowan, but she didn't like how he was starting to act.

Not one bit.

"Wait, Alice..." His voice called out to her. The way he said her name was gentle now, making her want to strangle him for being so bipolar.

She turned around, glaring at him. "What?"

"I'm sorry, Al... I shouldn't have lashed out at you. You're the only person I can talk to right now and I trust you, a lot." He locked eyes with her. "You wouldn't judge me, right?" He sounded like he wanted to cry. "Please, tell me you wouldn't judge me."

Alice couldn't glare at him anymore, suddenly she felt all of his pain, it was like she was taking it in with every word he spoke—swallowing it—letting it settle in her gut.

It stung.

She ran to him. Alice rushed to Rowan wrapping herself around his body, tightly.

Rowan hugged Alice back immediately. His arms wrapped around her torso as he placed his head on her shoulder. He hugged her just as tightly as she was hugging him. He hugged her like this would be the last time.

If anyone else spoke to Alice the way Rowan just did, she wouldn't be walking inside their dorm right now. She wouldn't have her arms around his neck, breathing softly on his skin.

They could only feel each other. They could only smell each other. They were both in dampened clothes, it made Alice wonder how his clothes got wet in the first place, yet she didn't care enough to ask, she just hugged him tighter.

"I wouldn't judge you, Rowan." She whispered to him. Her voice was soft and breathy as it wavered on his cheek. "I wouldn't."

Rowan hauled his head from Alice's neck and just stared at her. Rowan stared at Alice without saying a word before he placed his lips on hers. She immediately kissed him back.

Why wouldn't she?

Rowan's hand roamed around her body, from her lower back to her waist, and then her hips. He didn't know where to touch her, everywhere seemed perfect.

Alice clumsily shut the door and locked it. Her lips were never unconnected from Rowan's.

She guided Rowan to his bed, sitting him down and placing herself on his lap. She moved her lips from his mouth to his jaw and then neck, placing delicate kisses all over. She heard him whimper and quickly detached her lips from his neck.

"Sorry, I thought I was being gentle... do you want me to stop?" Alice asked him. The grip she had on his neck loosened as she looked him in the eye.

"No." He let out a theatrical breath before kissing her again.

Alice pulled away again chuckling as she spoke. "Is your inhaler close by, Laslow?"

Rowan dug in his pocket, pulling out his inhaler before holding it up to Alice.

"Okay, but we're still talking after this, understood?" She said, sternly.

"Mhm." Rowan let out as he cuffed Alice's face, kissing her once again.

A LITTLE INSANE. Rowan LaslowWhere stories live. Discover now