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Chapter eleven

Alice and Rowan roamed into the infirmary office after changing back into their academy uniforms.

It was almost allotted for Rowan to check into the Nurse's office after taking part in an act of physical activity. He would most likely get his blood pressure inspected—grab a cup of water— and perhaps a refill on albuterol.

Alice however, just sat and observed as the nurses aided him. It wasn't that she didn't have anything better to do, she just preferred to be with him. He had quickly become one of her favorite friends— no scratch that, he had become one of her favorite people.

"Rowan, Alice. It's nice to see you both again." The nurse declared grinning almost instantly as the two teenagers came into view.

"It's nice to see you as well." Alice smiled politely at the nurse.

Rowan took a seat next to a prominent-sized window, he sat there almost every time he came. Alice moved to stand next to him as the nurse searched her drawer for her equipment.

"Alice, are you planning on volunteering in the office again? We could use the extra helping hand." The nurse asked.

"Maybe. It was certainly more fun doing this than fencing." Alice replied, saying the word fencing almost mockingly.

"Anything is more fun than fencing." The nurse laughed as she walked over to Rowan the blood pressure monitor in hand.

Alice smiled.

"Alright, Mister Laslow." The nurse added as she stood at his side. "Sleeve up, you know the drill."

Rowan obeyed, tugging off his blazer and positioning it on the back of his chair. The nurse immediately pulled the sleeve of his button-down upwards—and other than the cuff of his sleeve that stopped at his bicep, his arm was completely bare.

Alice quickly swallowed in the air hoping no one heard it.

They didn't.

Her head turned and she spotted Wednesday as the girl walked into the office with another nurse. The nurse motioned for the girl to sit on the care bed as she went to pick up a First aid kit from her office.

The nurse that was assisting Rowan, wrapped the cuff around his forearm. Alice then noticed that Rowan was also looking at Wednesday.

He was almost glaring, with so much anger—hostility—and disgust.

Alice wondered why.

Wednesday's nurse wiped her bloody injury with an alcohol pad, gently blowing on it after causing Wednesday to grimace. The nurse unfurled an undersized bandage from the kit placing it above Wednesday's eyebrow before she walked away.

"You're Wednesday, right?" Rowan asked randomly. Both Alice and Wednesday turned at his question. "Rowan." He added, introducing himself.

Wednesday just glanced at the boy, not even blinking. As for Alice, she smiled thinking it was cute that Rowan was attempting to make a friend, yet she was also perplexed as she had just caught the boy glaring at her like he wanted to suffocate her with a pillow.

Alice waved to Wednesday. "I'm Alice."

Wednesday looked the girl up and down before nodding. Alice strangely took that as a good sign.

Wednesday turned back to Rowan as he began to speak again.  "I know how you feel."

"I guarantee you don't."

Rowan frowned at her response. "My mother promised me I'd finally fit in somewhere." His eyes were slightly glossy. "I never thought it was possible to be an outcast in a school full of outcasts."

Alice listened to him carefully as he spoke.

"But it looks like you're gonna give me a run for my money." He laughed.

Wednesday looked unfazed while Alice's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Rowan was certainly acting strange—it showed more than ever now.

She cleared her throat making Rowan look up at her from his chair.

"Uh— sorry about the... nick," Rowan said pointing at his forehead in imitation of hers.

"No good deed goes unpunished," Wednesday told the boy as she walked towards the door.

The nurse handed Rowan his inhaler and he spun it around in his fingers as he gazed at Alice.

"What was that all about?" Alice asked.

He didn't say anything back, he just glanced at the floor his lips moving to the side slightly.

Alice rolled her eyes following after Wednesday.

"Hey, Wednesday!" Alice called out.

The bleak girl turned on her heel, looking Alice directly in the eyes. She didn't say anything though as she waited for the girl in the rain boots to continue talking.

"I- uh..." Alice wasn't sure if she was intimidated by Wednesday's slight glare or if she just forgot what she was going to say. Nonetheless, she was beginning to sound like Rowan as she stuttered over her words. "I'm sorry about Rowan, he's not normally that rude."

Wednesday shrugged. "I don't care about your boyfriend's awful mannerisms. In all honesty... Alice, I assume you could do much better in finding a romantic companion."

"Rowan's not my boyfriend and that sounded like a compliment." Alice smiled.

"It wasn't."

Alice blinked before smiling again. "About your gash... I could help with that."

Wednesday tilted her head.

"I'm a healer. I can easily get your forehead scar free again— well unless you'd rather have the white bandage on your face."

"I think it adds character." She said as she stepped away.

"Hmm," Alice added. She honestly thought Wednesday was being stubborn, this caused her to continue following her despite her answer. "Are you sure?"

Wednesday ignored her.

Alice was clueless about the current weather quickly getting soaked by the deluge. Wednesday opened her umbrella instantly, she was still ignoring Alice's presence.

Rain drenched Alice more. It caused her hair to sick to her face and block her vision slightly from the length of her fringe. Her fingers pulled her hair out of the way.

When she could distinctly see again, a gargoyle statue split from the wall—crumbling down on Wednesday.

"Wednesday!" Alice shouted at the same time as another voice.

Xavier Thorpe.

In a haste, the boy pushed Wednesday out of the way before the statue could smash her into the concrete making her look like bubblegum on cement.

"Holy shit," Alice said running closer to the pair of teenagers. "Holy shit!"

A LITTLE INSANE. Rowan LaslowWhere stories live. Discover now