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Chapter thirteen

Just a few minutes ago Alice was on the path to losing her virginity, yet now she was currently sitting on Rowan's bed, her knees to her chest, waiting for him to talk.

Rowan's hands gripped the hair on his head roughly. He was undoubtedly frustrated.

He didn't know how to properly tell the person he was in love with that he had to kill someone. How would one try to justify the reasoning for ending an innocent person's life?

He did trust Alice wholly, yet there was a part of him slightly afraid of the possibility that she would think of him as everyone else did. That he wasn't in his right mind—that he was a little insane.

"Relax," Alice spoke out, grabbing the boy's arms to stop him from pulling his hair. "Take your time."

He exhaled, listening to what the girl had just told him.

He glanced at Alice once his breathing became steady. "Twenty-five years ago, my mother drew a picture of a young girl..." Rowan stopped for a second, he was trying not to choke on his words. "She told me about the picture before she died."

Alice placed her hand on top of his.

She knew that Rowan's mother passed away and she certainly knew that it wasn't easy for him to talk about her.

"She was a seer, right? I remember you telling me that." Alice asked.

A smile pulled at the sides of his lips. "Yeah."

Alice smiled back.

"She claimed that the girl in the drawing would come to Nevermore one day and destroy the school plus everyone in it."

Alice's smile was quickly replaced with a frown.

"She told me it was my destiny to stop her before she could do it," Rowan said as he grabbed Alice's hand to hold it.

Alice stared at him blankly. "Rowan, by stopping her do you mean... you'd have to kill her."

"Yes." He said plainly.

Alice watched as a tear fell down his reddened cheek. She squeezed his hand. She was shocked, scared even.

"I remember the picture very clearly. The girl's face...her hair, it's all perfectly carved in my brain." He said, stressfully.

Alice felt his hand start to shake from under her own. She frowned.

"I know that's her, it has to be her." He mumbled.

"Who is she? Do I know her?" Alice asked.

"You know everyone." Rowan struggled out a chuckle.

Alice laughed, bringing her knees down from her chest and moving closer to Rowan. "I'm serious. Who is she?"

Rowan shook his head. "I'll show you."


"Tonight. I'll show you tonight. We'll sneak down there." He said.

Alice nodded.

"You don't think I'm insane for all of this, do you?" He asked, circling his thumb on her palm.

"It was the last thing your mother talked about with you... who can blame you for wanting to do it." She smiled. "However, murder is never associated with the sane."

The pair both laughed at the statement before looking at each other. Rowan searched her eyes and she watched as he did so. He was looking for any sign that she wasn't being truthful, yet he found nothing.

"I'm so in love with you..." Rowan mumbled.

"You're what?" Alice asked. His words came out in a mumble that was nearly impossible to understand.

"I'm so in love with you." He said, making sure she heard him.

"You love me?" She heard him correctly now, she knew she did. She was just stunned.

"Of course I do, you're beautiful and you're so sweet to everyone...even the people who hate you with a passion-"

"People hate me?" Alice frowned.

"-you're intelligent, helpful, literally the most perfect person I've ever met-"


"-I find it strange to say aloud but I trust you more than my father... or anyone for that matter. I honestly don't even think I can live without-"

Alice kissed him. They had kissed a couple of times already but this kiss was different, it was reassuring.

She pulled away, her hand resting on his cheek. "I love you too."

Rowan rested his forehead on hers. "Just so you know, Xavier will probably be heading up here soon and I don't want him to think we did... anything."

"Anything." She cracked a smug smile.

"You're so immature, Al," Rowan said as he stood up, grabbing his blazer.

"Do you want to do anything with me, Rowan?" She jokingly moaned as she opened the door. "We can do anything on your bed all night long."

"A literal child, I'm dating." He murmured.

"That sounds... disturbing."

"Yeah, it does." He walked out of the room. "Forget I said that, please."

"Nope... and what about the second part?"

Rowan blushed. "What about it?"

"I'm your girlfriend now?" She asked, mockingly.

Rowan stopped walking and stared at Alice. "I'd hope so."

"I'm just joking with you." She said as she kissed his cheek.

A LITTLE INSANE. Rowan LaslowWhere stories live. Discover now