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Chapter five

Alice sat in the posh office of Principal Weems as she watched the woman rest her pretty head in the palm of her faultlessly manicured hand. There was a soft smile pulled at the sides of her matte red lips. It was a smile of tremendous gratitude.

"I'm so insanely happy that you've found someone to accompany you today."

Alice bit the inside of her cheek.

Principal Weems grabbed a clipboard from her desk, it looked to have a student schedule clipped onto it. "So, who is it that you're taking?"

Alice glanced up at the principal. "Rowan Laslow."

Weems stared at the girl with widened eyes. "That's completely shocking. I hadn't a clue that you two were friends."

Alice smiled slightly. "We met on Monday, continued talking ever since."

"That's wonderful! Rowan doesn't have many friends. I'm glad he has befriended you now. I sense that your...personalities fit well together."

Alice nodded her head. "I'd say so."

Principal Weems jotted down something on the list, glimpsing back at Alice when she was finished. "Meet me here in an hour and I will drive Rowan, and yourself to Jericho."

"Will do."

She smiled. "Great. If that's all you need, you may be on your way."

Alice stood up, grabbed her bag, and threw it over her shoulders. Just as she was about to walk to the door, she was stopped by Weems.

"Oh, and Alice.."

Alice turned around to face Weems once more.

"Rowan's not in his right mind. If it's not much of a challenge for you, keep him pleased. That will be good for him."

Alice smiled sweetly. "I will. But honestly, Principal Weems, I think he's quite alright." She turned away from the principal, walking towards the door.

As much as she tried to dismiss it, she despised the way people spoke about Rowan — it was like he wasn't a real person, with real emotions, or with a real heart. She frowned. Even in a place where he should feel more accepted, he felt abandoned.

She hated that.

Suddenly in her haze of empathy, she was interrupted.

"Every time I try to get your attention, you're distracted," Rowan spoke from beside her.

She chuckled nervously. "Well, what can I say? I'm always thinking."

"You looked upset though. Do you want to talk about it?"

She shook her head. She didn't want to talk to Rowan about how bad she felt for him.

Keep him pleased.

The words of Principal Weems settled in the core of her mind. Spinning and spinning, like a record player.

Keep him pleased.

"I rather not talk about it," Alice said to the boy. She was faking a smile.

He didn't know that.

"In an hour, meet me in this exact spot. We're getting a ride into town."

He nodded.

"By the way, what are your thoughts on children?"

"They talk, a lot."

She tilted her head at the boy. "Can you tolerate them?"

"I think so?"

"That sounded like a question."

"It kind of was. Why do I need to tolerate them anyway?" He asked.

"If you can't tolerate children this date isn't going to be any fun for you."

He lifted an eyebrow in confusion. "Sure, I can tolerate children."

"That still sounded like a question."

"It wasn't."



She sent him a nod of her head before gradually walking away.

• • •

Minutes flew past, then an hour. Alice was leaning against an empty wall as she waited for Rowan to arrive at their meeting spot.

Alice yawned. She probably shouldn't have left her dorm so rapidly, the waiting was truly a bore.

From the corner of her eye, she spotted Rowan. He was dressed in simple attire, just like herself. He wore a navy blue cable knit sweater and black pants. Naturally, his glasses sat on the bridge of his nose —nearly flawless.

"How long have you been waiting there?"

Her rose-colored lips pulled upwards "It doesn't matter."

She grabbed his hand, pulling him towards Weems's office. Alice knocked.

"Come on in." The principal declared.

Alice and Rowan opened the door, walking in. The strong aroma of fresh tea hit their noses.

"You both look very cozy." She added once the two students came into view.

They thought that she was talking about their outfits. The outfits that they intentionally wore to oppose the frigid weather.

Yet, her eyes on their intertwined fingers gave them a different idea.

Alice pulled her hand away and Rowan frowned.
"We're ready to go."

A LITTLE INSANE. Rowan LaslowWhere stories live. Discover now