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Chapter ten

Alice stood next to the fencing coach a bothered expression posed on her dimpled face.

"Those boots are not the appropriate footwear for fencing. You won't be able to fight." He spoke looking down at Alice's rain boots with a censured glare.

"I can fence in my rain boots... I can do everything in my rain boots." She told him, slightly offended.

He rolled his eyes. "No, you can't. It's either you change into some trainers or sit out of today's practice."

Alice frankly didn't care for fencing, she admired anyone who played it, yet it wasn't her personal favorite.

"I'll just sit out today because if I'm being completely honest, Coach..." she placed a hand on her hip. "I wouldn't come back to class if I were to leave for a pair of shoes."

The coach chuckled. It sounded very fake, and perhaps it was— not everyone found her funny. "I don't understand... why do you question your low grade in my class when this is your mindset?"

She smiled politely. "Coach, I'm a very good observer though. I should be graded on my constant praising and admiration for the other students, am I right?"

"No. Tomorrow, wear sneakers."

Her hand dropped from her hip. "It was worth a try." She sauntered away from the coach, glancing in Rowan's direction.

"I'm sitting out of practice today," Alice said taking her place next to the boy and crossing her arms.

"Why? What happened?" He asked turning towards her.

She smiled as she gently grabbed his face, making him look down at her shoes. He shivered at her touch. "I'm not wearing the correct footwear."

She let go of his face her fingers gently skimming his own as they lowered. "Aren't you up against Bianca next?"

He grimaced. "Unfortunately."

"You'll do fine." She turned away from him, her next words came out in a whisper. "Hopefully."

"I can hear you, Alice."

She laughed. Rowan's eyes lingered on her for a minute before he turned away smiling.

"Arrêter!" The coach shouted as the duel between Bianca and another student started to get hazardous.  "Perfect flèche, Bianca."

Alice began to clap her hands together.

The coach glared at the girl from the side, his eyes telling her to be quiet.

"Sorry, coach. I was just showing my endless dedication towards this remarkable sport."

Rowan chuckled.

The student who had just lost frowned walking to stand next to the coach. "I suck."

"You put up more of a fight this time, I'll give you  that." Bianca snickered from where she was standing on the mat.

"Rowan, you're next." The coach called out as he tied his hands behind his back.

Rowan glanced at Alice before taking off his glasses and handing them to her. He let out a theatrical sigh as he walked onto the mat with Bianca. They tugged their masks onto their faces.

A LITTLE INSANE. Rowan LaslowWhere stories live. Discover now