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Chapter seven

It was a quarter past nine. Apart from the corner of the dorm where a honey-crisp apple candle lit up the ceiling, it was nearly completely dark.

Alice sat on her bed as she fidgeted with the sleeves of her knitted sweater. It was a gift she received from her dorm mother when she joined Nevermore.

Alice couldn't fall asleep, despite how badly she tried. The idea of almost kissing Rowan circled her head like a hamster on a wheel. It was eating at a side of her mind where only erotic thoughts were stored.
She wanted him.

She couldn't close her eyes. An ideal picture of him was metaphorically carved into the back of her eyelids. His green eyes were always covered by the frames of his glasses. His blushed cheeks. His lips, the same lips she took too long to kiss.

He had one beauty mark exactly under his right eye. She took pride in noticing that.

She loved the way he always smelt of fresh laundry and the way he parted his hair, almost a middle part but not quite. She loved how his clothes resembled those in a teacher's closet.

She liked his smile,
his laugh,
she liked him,
She liked Rowan Laslow.

A LITTLE INSANE. Rowan LaslowWhere stories live. Discover now