Chapter 5 and 6 Thursday exams the next day Wednesday

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Chapter five

Narrator: when yugi gets to press his alarm to go off he still has some time left to get ready for his exams which it was English and math *a/n math sucks * when yugi gets his puzzle around his neck Yami had sentient that yugi won't leave him alone by himself well not really by himself once yugi went downstairs to eat breakfast yugi's grandpa had ask him about the puzzle has anything else happened when the puzzle had connected to his grandson? Yugi had shook his head yes and no. Now his grandfather was confused? Yes for the first question since it felt like he been to Egypt and no to the other questions because yugi had felt bad for the pharaoh *a/n although yugi didn't wanna say about Yami who was a vampire but he didn't feel like lying to him* yugi's grandpa had chuckled about his grandson reaction towards the puzzle. *yugi felt a pulled saying it's time to go* oh! Grandpa I'm leaving now since I have exams today I won't be back for while. since after school I'm gonna go out for while don't worry I will be fine said yugi, okay yugi take care said his his grandpa.

Time skip towards home to school

Once yugi go to breakfast since the exams won't start until 10;47 so yugi just sat down on the cafeteria table and talked to his Yami about how did the pharaoh had learn from English to math? Yami beings to tell yugi about his childhood on how he learned to understand English while use a tablet *aka stone table*. And then Yami beings to Learn about math with it was hard for him to do anyways, yami or atem had looked at his watch and it reads 10:38 then Yami looks at yugi and yugi had nodded to Yami telling him it's time to go to class soon.

Time skip to where yugi gets into his classroom by 10:47.

When the exams beings to start everyone had groans into frustration about English they had to wright and read about ancient history of Egyptian Yami was quite for this one yugi can understand why though *yugi had touch his millennium puzzle and brush it softly * Yami beings to clam down and helps yugi read the question but not the answers.

Time for a break ~

After English was done everyone has to wait for there next exams which it's was math*a/n boring* when it's was 10:48 or 11:00 yugi went to his next class right next door.

Time skip for another chapter in here chapter sixth math exams ~

Chapter 6

Wednesday just like any normal chapter of this book.

yugi wakes up blah blah blah and went to school on Wednesday had. Arrived at 1047 as usual and back to the story

When maths being to start each and everyone didn't know what's the math problem on this piece of paper on there exams yugi did his best to figure out on his own with the help of his pal*yami* after going through each steps by step for math class yugi was the first one done for math, once done everyone give yugi death stares of how unfair it's was to be the first *everyone saw there worst fear of all and starts to shiver. * everyone starts to whispers okay sorry we'll stay quite *

After school exams where done for the next day. Everyone went out of the classroom and beings to hang out with there friends well except for one which it's was yugi Muto but don't worry he has his millennium puzzle which his grandpa had given him during his birthday. Yugi walks out of the schools and beings to take a walk around his hometown at domino. Yami watches his light around the neighborhood, and kept on watching for bad people who hurt his yugi. Once beings to stop at the grocery to get some food at home after paying for groceries at the store, yugi then went to music store to listen to music Yami and yugi weren't interested in music anyways. Next they stop at a card shop with some cards and other full of deck of cards games or his age of Nintendo games to play for Yami and himself if they get bored,

Time skip to where yugi heads home and see his grandpa at the cashiers entrance where all the games and cards at the first floor.

Hello grandpa I'm back from school and I also went shopping for food  that we need said yugi,  okay said his grandpa who was helping out yugi for putting the groceries way how was the exams said yugi's grandpa
*the spirit felt hungry * oh good said yugi, I'm gonna go upstairs to take a nap since I'm tired said yugi, his grandpa had nodded at yugi and went to take over the shop for a while until it was time to close the shop,

When yugi headed upstairs in his room Yami had came out of his puzzle and pinned yugi to the bed.

whoa said yugi Yami*Yami beings to use his fangs to suck blooded out of yugi neck and moves his hands around yugi body* Mmph ~ ngh~ y-y-ami ah said yugi, after Yami was done being hungry he lick the blood off of yugi's neck and beings to fine the first aid kit for yugi neck.

Yami grew worry about his bite on yugi neck sorry said Yami. It's okay Yami ik you where hungry I have idea next time you can use my arm instead of my neck okay? Said yugi yeah that's fine with me said Yami who's was now putting a bandage on yugi's neck. Once yugi went to take a nap yami beings to morph into a his millennium puzzle and sleeps next to yugi. Night yugi said yami night atem said yugi oops didn't mean to called you that said yugi, it's fine you can called me whatever you like i like Yami is my first name and my last name is atem. Said yami okay said yugi,*both kiss each others forehead heads and starts for another day.

1045 words

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