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A deep laughter sounded overhead.

The darkness only lasted for a few seconds, and Zhuang Yan quickly released his hand and sat aside casually.

The scene has been changed on the big screen.

The shot just now didn't have any restrictive images at all, but the hero and the heroine were making out in bed, and the clothes changed before they took off the camera.

But Zhuang Yan just wanted to tease him.

Xie Ning gripped the pillow tightly and muttered, "I'm an adult."

"Really?" Zhuang Yan raised an eyebrow. "It doesn't look like it."

Xie Ning saw a flash of smile in his eyes, and it suddenly occurred that the man was teasing him again.

He pursed his lips, stopped speaking, and moved his body to the right side of the sofa, as if he wanted to stay away from him.

Zhuang Yan laughed again and stopped seeing Xie Ning's glaring eyes.

How could he be so cute.

Xie Ning stared at him with round eyes for a while, then turned to continue to watch the movie.

Zhuang Yan was satisfied with amusement, and then he didn't mess up any more until the movie was over and he sat calmly.

The screen turned black and when he slid out of the staff watch, Zhuang Yan asked him: "Does it look good?"

Xie Ning considered the sentence: "It's a pretty good movie." After a pause, he added, "If you didn't say it, I wouldn't have thought of being the same director as "Monologue"."

"What?" Zhuang Yan raised his eyebrows, "don't look like it?"

Xie Ning nodded: "A totally different style."

The plot of "No Love Letter" is ups and downs and fascinating, leaving the audience with a question until the end of the story.

Is Fancy a real person, or is it just a fantasy in the heart of the heroine.

"In this movie, the director seems to be downplaying his own style and getting closer to the popular taste." Xie Ning said.

Zhuang Yan is noncommittal: "This is the only way for most directors. The movie will eventually bow to the public."

Xie Ning looked at his face: "The public may not be the best."

Zhuang Yan raised his eyebrows: "Whether a movie is good or bad, most people only look at two things: box office and word of mouth, both of which are very popular."

At the box office, the audience bought it. Word of mouth, the audience commented.

It’s said that commercial films look at the box office, and literary films look at word-of-mouth. The same is a literary film. Compared with "Monologue", the word-of-mouth and evaluation of "Check No Such Person's Love Letter" is much higher.

Zhuang Yan continued: "It is true that maybe you and I like Monologue better, but we are in the minority after all. As a director, you can only ask for two things, money or fame. As long as you have a clear mind, you will understand that you should go. What kind of path."

If it was normal, Xie Ning would laugh at what he said.

But today, for some reason, he suddenly became irritable.

Maybe that kind of determined words were too sharp, piercing his skin like a needle.

He said: "Maybe others are like this, but Zhuang Yan is not."

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