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Auntie Sweeping happened to be at home today and opened the door to Zhuang Yan.

Zhuang Yan has been acquainted with Xie Ning's house these days. After entering the door, he naturally took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, quite as if the host came home.

Usually at this time, Xie Ning has either already prepared the meal and waiting in the living room, or is still busy in the kitchen.

Looking at Xie Ning like this, Zhuang Yan occasionally feels that they are like a couple.

In the past two days, in order to be able to eat the dishes made by Xie Ning himself, the time he went home was called punctuality, all appointments were turned off, and he left at that point. Zhao Yang suspected that there was a snail girl in his family.

Zhuang Yan smiled mysteriously.

There is no snail girl, but Mr. Rabbit has one.

The downstairs was a bit quiet today. Zhuang Yan glanced at the living room, but didn't see Xie Ning's trace, thinking Xie Ning was in the kitchen, and then went to the kitchen.

As a result, there was no one in the kitchen.

Auntie Cleaning was just about to leave, Zhuang Yan asked him, "Is there no one at home?"

The aunt replied: "The young master is at home. He should be in the studio. I didn't dare to disturb him."

The studio is where Xie Ning specifically explained that she didn't need to organize it, for fear that she would accidentally make doodles.

Zhuang Yan replied, letting go.

While talking, Xie Ning came down the stairs.

He was still dressed in the afternoon, but his expression looked dull. Zhuang Yan was about to ask him what happened, so he heard Xie Ning say, "Sorry, I forgot to cook today."

Zhuang Yan thought Xie Ning was depressed about this, and seeing his brows frowned unconsciously, he wanted to reach out and smooth it.

Xie Ning's unhappy appearance made Zhuang Yan's mood worse. He comforted: "Should I make you a meal?"

Xie Ning has been thinking about Zhuang Yan's craftsmanship for a long time. The hot and sour noodle soup that he ate last night is endless, and he still remembers the taste. Now, hearing Zhuang Yan say this, his eyes lit up: "Really?"

Looking at his surprise look, Zhuang Yan has something unhappy: "Of course it's true. I can't come to you every day to eat and drink for nothing."

Xie Ning thought, in fact, it was not for nothing. Zhuang Yan returned a lot of things to him. Besides, he paid for the pastries in the afternoon.

"You have been away for a day." Xie Ning was a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry to let you cook again."

Zhuang Yan couldn't help but rubbed his hair and narrowed his eyes: "Then you can give me some reward."

Xie Ning generously said: "What reward? As long as I can do it..."

Zhuang Yanxingri’s bad factor began to move again: "As long as you can do it, I will mention it?"

This sounded familiar, Xie Ning recalled it, as if Zhuang Yan had used this sentence to tease him before.

Thinking of the situation at that time, the heat on Xie Ning's face became a little bit hotter. Fortunately, he stood in a dark place, and he couldn't find it without looking carefully.

After spending so long with Zhuang Yan, Xie Ning is not without progress, at least in the face of his molesting, Xie Ning has been able to remain unmoved.

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