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Xie Ning discovered that he and Zhuang Yan are no different from their lovers now.

The hands that should be held are held, the hugs that should be embraced are all hugs, and the kisses that should be kissed are all kissed.

Oh, he also owed Zhuang Yan four kisses.

Xie Ning quietly counted this kiss in his heart.

Zhuang Yan's personality is too strong. Basically, he does whatever he thinks of. No matter what other people's attitude is, sometimes even close relatives can't help him.

Qi Rui, who grew up with him, said that he was too ego, and none of the rich second-generation in the circle was held in the palm of the hand to care for them when they grew up, and no one was trembling with a hot face and a cold butt.

Even if he looked at him differently because of his family background, no one could stand Zhuang Yan's strength for a long time.

If it weren't for the deep friendship, Qi Rui sometimes didn't want to talk to him.

Xie Ning can't stand Zhuang Yan's character the most.

Xie Ning has always been accustomed to what happens when he meets Zhuang Yan who is talking to himself, and he subconsciously follows his direction for a while.

When the reaction came, he had been abducted by Zhuang Yan and walked for a long time, and he couldn't find the way back.

And Xie Ning found that he could not refuse Zhuang Yan's request.

Whenever Zhuang Yan asked him seriously and sincerely, Xie Ning could not think of rejection in his heart.

So he was abducted to his home vaguely, and was hugged and hugged from time to time.

Xie Ning thought for a long time, but did not dislike Zhuang Yan's actions.

Occasionally aftertaste, blushing inexplicably.

Thinking of the kiss he had sent before going out, Xie Ning's face burned again.

"Is the air conditioner in the car turned on too high?" Zhuang Yan glanced at him and asked, "Your face looks a little hot?"

Xie Ning: "...no, nothing."

Zhuang Yan lowered the air conditioner by two degrees: "Today is a weekend and a holiday. There are a lot of cars. It was blocked for a while. The front should be better and we will arrive at the Convention and Exhibition Center soon."

Xie Ning's heart beat fast, and he didn't pay attention to any holidays or festivals for a while, so he responded, "Yes."

Seeing that he had no interest in speaking, Zhuang Yan concentrated on driving and turned on the car music: "When you are tired, squint and lie down for a while."

Xie Ning didn't feel tired, it was just that she spent a lot of time dealing with Ms. Joe in the morning.

Zhuang Yanfang's music is all foreign, in addition to English songs, there are languages ​​that Xie Ning can't understand, and the style of music is relatively gentle and gentle.

Listen and listen, Xie Ning really closed his eyes and took a nap.

When I opened my eyes vaguely, I realized that the car had stopped at some point.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes: "Are you there?"

"Yeah." Zhuang Yan looked at him and smiled, "Let's go."

Xie Ning just thought of getting up, and then realized afterwards that he was covered with a black coat sometime.

He took the clothes and got out of the car blankly, and said to his heart: Didn't I just sleep for a while, where did this clothes come from?

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