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After leaving the lounge for a while, Xie Ning suddenly wanted to call Ji Wenbin again.

He felt that he had hallucinations.

Otherwise, how could he see Zhuang Yan slowly coming from the corridor.

I heard that when people are exhausted to the extreme, imaginary people will appear in front of them, as if they have dreams day by day and night by night, so they fantasize about the person in their minds and talk about comfort.

But Shainin knew it was impossible.

Zhuang Yan is now in the film and television city thousands of miles away, and may still be on the set, frowning at the actors.

Or behind the camera, adjust the lens, lighting and position without expression.

Xie Ning can clearly describe Zhuang Yan's appearance on the set in his mind. The number of times he went to onlookers was not counted, but it was enough for him to remember Zhuang Yan's appearance.

Not only painted on paper, but also in my heart.

The film and television city is more than a thousand kilometers away, and it took several hours for Xie Ning to return by plane.

Therefore, the Zhuang Yan walking through the corridor in front of him can only be fake, it is his illusion.

The fake Zhuang Yan is also so tall and handsome. He walks straight, and the edge of his coat **** twice with his unhurried pace.

Xie Ning raised his head, staring at him without turning his eyes.

He walked up to Xie Ning, his eyebrows moved, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Xie Ning's peripheral vision saw his coat hang down quietly as he stopped.

Xie Ning wanted to reach out and hug him, but he dared not move. He was afraid that any one of his actions would break up the illusion in front of him.

So he just stood quietly, his eyes fixed on Zhuang Yan's face for a long time.

But he did not move, but Zhuang Yan did.

He leaned down slightly and bent over and approached him.

Xie Ning closed his eyes the moment Zhuang Yan got close to him.

He felt that the dream was finally over, the illusion was going to disappear, and he was going to wake up.

The next second, he fell into a warm embrace.

Xie Ning thought, this embrace is too real, even Zhuang Yan's hands clasped on his back are strong and powerful, and he can even feel the warmth of his palms.

It was as real as if he was being embraced by Zhuang Yanzhen now.

Zhuang Yan sighed, and put his head on his shoulder dissatisfiedly: "How come I have no reaction to seeing me."

The voice is deep and familiar.

Xie Ning's first reaction was, did he still hear voices?

But the illusion did not become fragments, and the dream did not wake up.

Xie Ning said stupidly: "This illusion is too long and too real, right?"

"What an illusion." Zhuang Yan laughed out loud, kissed him helplessly on the neck, and then said to his ear, "I'm back."

Xie Ning was hugged for a while before she recovered, and touched Zhuang Yan's face in disbelief.

Zhuang Yan sneered: "I can still be fake."

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