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"You really broke his clothes?"

"How come I did it, obviously the wind blows down the clothes."

"Pretend, don't think I didn't see you go to the balcony with scissors yesterday."

"His clothes seem to be expensive, if not to mention it has to be thousands of dollars."

"The rich young master, how can you put a few thousand dollars in your eyes."

When it comes to money, a few people immediately filled with outrage.

"Looking at the way he has eyes on the top of his head all day, isn't it just that there are some bad money in the family."

"Do you have any culture? That's the eye above the top."

"...Art students, you know."

"Seeing that he wears more high-end clothes than ours every day, the number of entries for that international college art competition is probably bought with money."

"Last time, a draft was broken, and the counselor was asked to file a complaint. As a result, we were all called to talk by the counselor.

"Elementary school students will do this kind of small report."

"You said he won't go to the counselor again this time."

"I won't admit it. I was blown down by the wind. Can he still say that I did it?"


The alley was dimly lit, and the smoking roommate stopped, threw the cigarette that burned to the end of his mouth to the ground, ran it with the toe of his shoe, and complained: "This 10 yuan a pack of cigarettes is too difficult to smoke. "

"Next time buy a pack of 50 yuan."

"Buying painting tools every month ran out of my pocket money, and the family didn't give me much money, so I couldn't afford it."

Someone suggested: "Why don't we sell someone's things next time. His things are expensive at first glance."

The smoking roommate patted him on the shoulder: "Good idea."

Several people were talking and laughing, and a low voice suddenly sounded: "You just said, whose things are you going to steal?"

They were shocked and looked up and saw a man in a black windbreaker who was stuck in the alley.

With his pockets in his hands and the only dim street lamp in the alley on his back, he couldn't see the expression on his face, but there was an uncomfortable breath from all over his body.

Several people looked at each other: "Who?"

"I don't know, admit the wrong person."

"Acknowledge the wrong person?" The man sneered, "You didn't admit it, you broke this dress, right."

The moonlight shone coldly, and he faintly saw a coat in his hand.

"Who are you?"

"I forgot to tell you that this coat belongs to me." He slowly rolled up his sleeves and laughed lowly. "But what do I spend so much with you?"

Before the few people could react, he reached out and grabbed the smoking roommate’s collar and pulled the person into him. Then he grabbed his arm, bowed his waist and bent his knees, and threw the person over his shoulders. on the ground.

Everyone was taken aback by this sudden scene.

The smoking roommate was thrown to the ground. As soon as he got up, he was kicked on the knee by the man and knelt directly on the ground.

After My Ex-Boyfriend's White Moonlight Proposed to MeWhere stories live. Discover now