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Zhuang Yan didn't wear a formal attire. He put on a casual sweater with the collar of his shirt exposed around his neck. He looked free and easy, pleasing to the eye.

Some people's handsomeness is the handsome with no dead ends. Whether it's a suit or a sweater or shirt, they can't resist the mature masculinity.

When he laughed, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and his brows softened a bit, making people unable to look away.

In the words of those star-chasing girls on the Internet, they laughed so much that the whole person was broken.

Xie Ning looked away from the dazzling face and stared at the snowflakes on Zhuang Yan's shoulders for a while: "You, why are you here?"

"Make you a snowman, no, snow rabbit." Zhuang Yan shrugged, "How about it, great painter, can it be in your eyes?"

I don’t know how long it took Zhuang Yandui for this snow bunny. He folded two branches and inserted a carrot on his nose. Then he found two long green leaves to act as ears. It is drooping.

The colors are rich and creative, not exquisite and beautiful, but rather happy.

But Xie Ning somehow was moved by this snow rabbit full of joy.

He blinked: "I like it very much."

Then sniffed: "Thank you."

Zhuang Yan chuckled softly: "Moved to cry?"

Xie Ning whispered: "I didn't cry."

Zhuang Yan raised his eyebrows and pulled Xie Ning to his side: "The corners of my eyes are red like this, and my mouth is hard."

how come?

Xie Ning touched the corner of his eye subconsciously, but couldn't feel it for a while.

Zhuang Yan was amused by his action.

Xie Ning continued to insist: "This is cold red."

"Okay." Zhuang Yan said with joy, "You said it was frozen red, then it was frozen red."

Xie Ning has come out of the depression right now. He looked at Zhuang Yan and said, "Are you talking about me again? Actually, the corners of my eyes are not red at all, right?"

Zhuang Yanle couldn't support: "Finally reacted?"

Xie Ning glared at him with puffed cheeks.

Zhuang Yan sighed: "The corners of your eyes are not red, but when you got out of the car, the expression looked like you were about to cry."

Xie Ning was taken aback for a moment.

Zhuang Yan whispered: "Why are you upset two days ago, and now you are unhappy?"

Xie Ning shook his head: "I'm not unhappy."

Zhuang Yan sneered, as if he was laughing, but he refused to tell the truth.

He put his hand on Xie Ning's shoulder, and saw Xie Ning's movement without any resistance, and swept it away: "Say, who makes my Mr. Rabbit sad again?"

Zhuang Yan got too close, as if to hug him, but kept a little distance.

Further, you can fall into his arms.

Take a step back, and that little ambiguity disappears.

He didn't use perfume today, and the smell on his body was very clean, as refreshing as snow.

Xie Ning sniffed the smell and suddenly his brain went blank.

He couldn't think of anything at the moment, and even forgot to refute the phrase "My Mr. Rabbit", only opened his eyes and stared at Zhuang Yan blankly.

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