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"It's okay." Zhuang Yan comforted him with tears and laughter. "People who don't know should be treated as if they don't exist."

Xie Ning glanced at him and pursed her lips.

Although he is not good at communicating with people, he is not too bad to see strangers. He just doesn't like to talk and looks cold and quiet.

But when Zhuang Yan said that he "sees his parents" just now, he became nervous inexplicably.

Xie Ning asked in a low voice, "Your parents..."

Zhuang Yan raised his eyebrows: "What? I'm afraid my parents don't like you?"

Xie Ning said blankly, "I'll just ask."

"Don't worry." Zhuang Yan rubbed his head and said leisurely, "My mother likes you like this."

Xie Ning asked: "Am I a little quieter like this?"

Zhuang Yan's lips curled up: "My mother's aesthetic is similar to mine, and she will like everything I like."

Zhuang Yan endured a smile: "That's why I like you so much, it's impossible for my mother not to like it."

Xie Ning: "..."

Sure enough, after entering the door, Ms. Qiao's eyes lit up when she saw Xie Ning, boasting that he was beautiful and handsome.

"These things can be delivered by the housekeeper." She grabbed Xie Ning's hand and glared at Zhuang Yan again. "Why let you run it yourself."

Ms. Qiao became more and more satisfied with Xie Ning. She had only one son, Zhuang Yan, and she never let her worry about it since she was a child.

Outsiders praised Zhuang's prolonged well and talented people. Only Ms. Qiao knew in her heart that this son had a bad temper. Whoever made him unhappy would make anyone unhappy. He did not cause trouble during his student days.

If he hadn't been born in October during a laborious pregnancy, Ms. Qiao wouldn't care about him.

What is not available is always the best. Ms. Qiao always wanted a well-behaved and caring daughter.

Xie Ning looked so pure and white, with a quiet and shy personality, and a sensible and polite boy who just poked her in the heart, secretly sighing that she was a "child of someone else's family."

Xie Ning blushed a little by her praise, and his heart was mostly relieved.

While there was a visitor talking to Ms. Qiao, Zhuang Yan leaned in Xie Ning's ear and whispered, "Look, I'm not wrong, my mother will definitely like you!"

"Yeah." Xie Ning replied happily. Whether Ms. Qiao was a fake guest or really liked him, he could feel it, and the expression on his face couldn't help but brighten.

The dealer has a lot of guests today, and it's not too early now, and people come to Ms. Qiao to say goodbye.

Ms. Qiao and Xie Ning were interrupted once without saying a word. Zhuang Yan was afraid that Xie Ning would be embarrassed by being in the lobby, and said hurriedly: "Mom, he is Metabolism Father who came to give Grandpa New Year greetings. Don't keep holding him Yes, I will take him upstairs to find Grandpa."

Ms. Qiao frowned and glared at him. She wanted to talk to Xie Ning for a while, but she couldn't get out of her body at this time, so she patted Xie Ning's hand and then grabbed a handful of biscuits and candy from the coffee table and stuffed his hand. in.

"You are just jealous of me and Ningning having a good chat." Ms. Qiao has lived abroad for a long time. She has a straightforward temper and a natural familiarity. Now she has shouted "Ningning" and "Ningning".

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