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Zhuang Yan is addicted to smoking again.

He touched his pocket and asked Ji Wenbin: "Mind if I smoke a cigarette?"

"Whatever." Ji Wenbin seemed to smile, "I can't smell smoke anyway."

Zhuang Yan lighted a cigarette and took a hard sip before his brain slowly calmed down.

He was silent for a long while, with a cigarette in his fingers, shaking, and said, "I never found him thinking of suicide."

"His attitude toward life may be a little negative, let it go, but according to my observation, he... shouldn't have any suicidal tendencies now."

Doctor Ji did not refute, "So what I said was once."

Zhuang Yan was silent again.

His thoughts entangled in the past that Xie Ning avoided to talk about, slowly converging into a line, and finally fixed on the tattoo on his wrist.

Xie Ning said that bird means freedom and freedom.

What fettered him?

Ji Wenbin took the notes to the end, and suddenly asked: "I take the liberty to ask, are you a couple?"

Zhuang Yan was taken aback for a moment, and replied, "Not yet."

Ji Wenbin smiled again: "This answer is very interesting."

Zhuang Yan is very confident: "It will be one day."

Ji Wenbin: "Then I should wish you good luck?"

The smoke in Zhuang Yan's hand burned to the bottom: "Thank you."

Ji Wenbin asked again: "Then can you talk to me about his other situation? For example, the past, family, making friends, etc."

Zhuang Yan replied: "In fact, you should ask Yan Xi about these, he may know more."

Ji Wenbin said: "I will listen to all opinions."

Zhuang Yan thought for a while: "I don't know much about it. In terms of family... he and grandpa should have a good relationship."

"Grandpa?" Ji Wenbin paused, then asked, "What about the parents?"

Zhuang Yan pinched out the cigarette: "I haven't seen his parents...he had been living alone before."

Ji Wenbin didn't think there was anything at all: "With financial support, it is not uncommon for adults to live alone outside."

Zhuang Yan slowly recalled: "He mentioned his mother to me not many times, but it didn't feel very harmonious to me. His mother always arranged for him to go on blind dates regardless of his wishes, and he was very upset about this. He even found a boyfriend as a shield to refuse a blind date."

Ji Wenbin's tone became strange: "Is that so?"

Zhuang Yan explained: "That's a thing of the past, I am not the shield."

Ji Wenbin replied, "In other words, I have a good relationship with my grandfather, but I don't have a good relationship with my parents. My mother... should have a strong personality, what about my father?"

Zhuang Yan thought for a long time: "I haven't heard him mention it."

Ji Wenbin said to himself: "Have you mentioned...is the image of a silent person?"

In terms of family, that's all Zhuang Yan knows.

"Make friends..." Zhuang Yan lit another cigarette. "He doesn't like to socialize, and his social circle is not big. It's Yan Xi who can really be called a friend."

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