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93rd floor: Seeing that you guys are starting to beg s□□y, I can't help but pull out the photo again and start licking my face.

94th floor: There is one thing to say, s□□y's appearance is really high, otherwise it will not be overwhelmed by the marketing account at the beginning. The quality of the few captured photos and video screenshots are comparable to those of traffickers. A hard photo of the skin.

95th floor: I know who s□□y is, but what was the hot search incident in the beginning?

96th floor: I came in for "Once Upon a Time in Two Cities", but I pulled it down to see that the topic was already crooked to this extent?

The 97th floor: In fact, it is not a crooked building. S□□y is the main art of "Once Upon a Time in Two Cities", and it is still related to the title.

98th floor: The hot search event originated in a media live broadcast. The reporter mistakenly regarded s□□y as an actor in the crew and wanted to interview him. Then he looked dumbfounded. After the video became popular, the marketing account was transferred to various propaganda. What kind of little brother with the best looks, better-looking than celebrities, prosperous beauty, and also pulled a few traffic comparisons, and wasn't the first brother's birthday at that time, the first brother especially praised him in front of the media. After the hot search, my district laughed at whether he was going to debut, and hyped himself. At that time, I didn't know who he was and called him s□□y. Later, it was clarified that s□ y was the main artist of the crew of "Once Upon a Time in Two Cities", but he was also known for his appearance.

99th floor: I went to search for photos of s□□y, this face and body like this, he is called s□□y.

100th floor: In fact, everyone has different aesthetics, but you can't lie to yourself that he doesn't look good when you look at s□□y.

101st floor: I didn't blow that hard, right? Just a handsome guy

The 102nd floor: I think it is because he has a temperament in him, and it feels unusual when he looks at it, not the kind of pure face.

103rd floor: His manners are very good. No wonder he will be mistaken for a star. The manners of a star are usually trained by someone. Most people are not so elegant and generous. If I only watch the video, I would think it is that unknown actor. Or newcomers who are preparing to debut.

104th floor: To tell the truth, every time I see someone blowing s□y, I feel illusory. I really don't think his appearance is so exaggerated. I understand that he is good-looking. It's too much to say that he is beautiful.

105th floor: The title s□ y was used to mock him and those marketing accounts at first, but most people thought it was very appropriate, so I kept it and spread it out.

106th floor: I went to read the above Weibo and came back! ! ! Is the blogger s□□y himself? Apart from other things, the pictures he posted on Weibo are all very beautiful. Did he draw it himself? !

107th floor: How high the requirements of the 104th floor are, this look is already a lot better than ordinary people.

108th floor: I used to suspect that there was a navy in my district until I searched for his photos.

109th floor: The pictures on Weibo are all drawn by him. His profession is an original painter. I also mentioned that he is the main beauty of "Once Upon a Time in Two Cities".

110th floor: Why did we return the stage to "Once Upon a Time in Two Cities" and Zhuang Yan after asking for so long.

111th floor: Actually, you can talk to S□y and Zhuang Yan. They have a very good relationship.

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