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Forum body: latest news! The movie "Once Upon a Time in Two Cities" starring Sheng Shisong is nominated for the main competition unit in Venice!

(The timeline is after Zhuang Yan and Xie Ning got married)

Title: Latest News! The movie "Once Upon a Time in Two Cities" starring Sheng Shisong is nominated for the main competition unit in Venice!

Floor 0: The front line of the film: The current # reflect.

1st floor: This year more than a thousand films compete for the main competition unit in Venice. "Once Upon a Time in Two Cities" is the only Chinese film that broke the siege. I apologize for the entry of "Once Upon a Time in Two Cities"!

2nd floor: Liao Yi brother can't take his works to the three major red carpets in Europe and apologize for coming in!

3rd floor: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, congratulations! ! !

4th floor: Zhuang Yan is awesome! Congratulations, brother!

5th floor: I just want to laugh when I think of my district’s stamp of "Once Upon a Time in Two Cities" nbcs rushing to the street.

6th floor: Zhuang Yan is really awesome.

7th floor: Other fans, Muller, come and be happy.

8th floor: I said earlier that the crew must be silent and want to throw a big move.

9th floor: It's just a shortlist, it's not a prize, it looks like a brother has already won the actor.

10th floor: How many people stepped on this movie back then, my district rushed to the street to confirm, then I wanted to laugh, at the director's name, this movie could not be without splash. Although Zhuang Yan’s early films are not well-known, if you have studied it, you will find that every one of his films, regardless of whether they were released in the end, has won awards, large and small. In recent years, his director level has become higher and more stable. Last year, his work was shortlisted in Cannes. "A Two-City Once Upon a Time" was his first Chinese film after he returned to China. At that time, I thought I had a chance to enter the three majors. As a result, all of you stepped on it, and a fan dare not poison milk anymore, xswl

11th floor: surprise! ! ! The crew of "Once Upon a Time in Two Cities" was really too low-key. There was no news before, and I thought it was going to be a hit.

12th floor: The sour gas coming from the 9th floor. Why don't you check out how many Venetian celebrities have appeared in Chinese? The movie starring in it is already very good.

13th floor: There is only one Chinese in the actor of Venice, but there are two queens, and it has expanded to the three largest in Europe. The Chinese who have held the actor also counted by one hand.

14th floor: That's over. If the first brother takes the actor, the fans will be crazy for days and nights.

15th floor: Hei is going crazy. He used to take a brother and stepped on him without a prize. If a brother wins this time, he will be crazy for a few days and nights.

16th floor: trembling and provoking, I am optimistic that my district will be slaughtered.

17th floor: The essence is that Zhuang Yan is very powerful. He can bring the actor with three golds and zeros to Venice. However, the prospect of winning the prize is to save the province. Did your family look forward to it every year and forget it?

18th floor: I think of Kumquat again: Zhuang Yan is a transparent director.

19th floor: According to statistics, there are exactly 10 directors who have been shortlisted in the top three in the mainland, and only 5 have won awards. Zhuang Yan was shortlisted for the second time this time. Some people even said that his movie is a poison cake. What kind of person.

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