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Hua Deng is on.

Although Valentine's Day is a foreign holiday, it is also quite popular in China. Maybe I want to find some fun in the boring life of 9 to 5, or maybe the heart of going to work after the new year has not been recovered, take the opportunity to indulge.

When passing the fountain, Zhuang Yan hugged him up from behind.

Xie Ning looked at the constantly changing water column and did not hide.

After thinking about it, I guess I can't avoid it.

"Ningning." When Zhuang Yan called his name, his voice was still low, but there was an unconcealable joy.

It's as if a child finally tasted his favorite candy, and the sweetness filled his lips and teeth.

Xie Ning let him hold, and responded softly: "Yeah."

Zhuang Yan chuckled in his ear and shouted, "Ningning."

There was a street lamp just behind them, and the faint light poured down, dragging their shadows.

Xie Ning looked down at the overlapping shadows of the two.

Zhuang Yan hugged him too tightly, filling the gap in the shadow little by little, as if there was only one shadow.

Xie Ning looked at it for a while, then absently replied, "...Hmm."

Today Zhuang Yan seems a bit clingy.

There was a gentle breathing sound in his ears, and a steady heartbeat came from the chest close behind him.

He was fascinated, and suddenly there was a warm and wet feeling on the back of his neck. The force was very light, but with a tingling sensation, it rushed all the way to the heart like an electric current.

Zhuang Yan dropped a kiss gently there.

Xie Ning's body trembled, and she couldn't help but shake her spirit.

This action seemed too intimate, which made him feel ashamed inexplicably, and then turned his head to look around.

On a special day here, the couples in twos and threes are all intimately entangled with each other, there are heterosexual couples, and occasionally a same-sex couple can be seen.

Their move is not too outrageous.

Zhuang Yan put his head on his shoulder and seemed to smile, "You didn't deny me just now."

Xie Ning is not a voice commander, but he has always been unable to resist Zhuang Yan's subwoofer-like voice, especially when the other party talks almost next to him, every time he can soften his legs.

Xie Ning is a bit weak now.

He tried to think for a while before trying to understand the meaning of Zhuang Yan's words, and said, "Is there a discount?"

Zhuang Yan chuckles: "Just the money for a dinner, do you think you care or I care."

Shaining was speechless.

In fact, he also understands that the so-called excuse of calling a couple for discounts is not convincing on them.

At that moment, Xie Ning hesitated for a while when the waiter gave him an inquiring look, but couldn't say what he denied.

Xie Ning can’t remember when he realized that today is Valentine’s Day, and then he suddenly felt that Zhuang Yan’s arrangement for this day, the painting that he bought with the favor of the old days, and tonight this not elaborate but still romantic What is dinner for?

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