The man you loved

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Slowly as you walked, you heard voices and saw some people that all looked alike. You sighed and continued to walk when a young man your age walked up to you and asked for directions to the nearest library. You complied and pointed south from where you two were. He thanked you and gave you his number before walking off, a smile plastered across his face. You worked as a nurse for a hospital nearby and you happened to be on your lunch break, so you put his number in your phone, got food, and headed back to the hospital you worked at. The voices being limited, and not seeing anyone. You found it weird, but thought nothing much of it. As you walked, you texted him and waited for a response. After a few minutes, he texted back. 'Hello, My name is Jackson Miller, I would like to meet you at a coffee shop a few times, then we could go out on a few dates, what do you say?' You said yes and made note of it before humming and setting your stuff down in your office. 

You two went out for multiple weeks before you made it official. And after a while, you told the older woman you worked with about Jackson. She looked at you, her eyes wide. "Hun… He’s been dead for ten years.." she said, her voice full of concern. "How do you know that?" You said, quite loud. The little old woman shook her head and looked at you. "I killed him"

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