7. The Date Part 2. Ritu

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POV: Ritu

    The restaurant exceeded my expectations. Honestly, from Roger I was expecting fast food. The maître d' escorted us to our table and Roger held my seat for me while I sat down.

We perused our menus. Roger got the chicken parm and I decided to try the mushroom ravioli. I'm not a vegetarian, but I'm very used to eating that way and the menu said it was award winning. The sommelier took our wine order after carding us. Then Roger insisted the wine steward prove to us he was old enough to be serving our wine saying turnabout was fair play. The wine steward was not amused, but I was. Well, at least I found the steward's discomfort amusing. Being around Roger, you start taking things less seriously.

After the server and sommelier left with our order, I looked around taking in the ambience. "Roger, this is too much. This has to be really expensive."

Roger took a look around and mumbled, "Yeah, I may have to go back to selling drugs."

"What?" I exclaimed.

"Just kidding. I assure you I am not now, nor have I ever been a pharmaceutical representative." He chuckled briefly then got a serious look on his face as if he was considering something important. "There is something I should tell you though." He paused then looking straight into my eyes he continued, "I was busted a couple of months ago for a misdemeanor possession with intent to distribute. That is not really who I am. I was doing a favor for my friend, George. He is an ex-friend now. He asked me to make a delivery for him. Of course, my friend's customer turned out to be an undercover cop. The judge was very understanding and let me off with probation contingent on my taking some college courses. So, something good did come of it."

We continued to stare at each other in silence for several moments. He was awaiting my response. So was I, but I was at a loss for words.

Eventually, he decided to break the silence, "I know that is a lot to lay on you on a first date, but I just didn't want us to get off on the wrong foot by keeping secrets. If you want nothing more to do with me, I understand, but at least give me this one dinner with you."

I really had to think about this. At least he was honest, and the judge must have thought he wasn't really the criminal type. Besides, he really was fun to be with and in my whole life I've never taken chances or been with anyone like this. My parents had been very protective. Old world protective. To say I'd led a sheltered life would be an understatement. If my parents knew I was dating a convicted criminal, they'd have a cow. Make that a sacred cow. Maybe it was time to sacrifice that sacred cow. Sacred hamburger was starting to sound good. Roger is right. Life should be an adventure.

I tilted my head, looked him in the eyes and asked, "And where would I find another vision quest partner now? Nice try but I'm not letting you out of buying me this dinner."

He grinned even broader than usual. That goofy grin was starting to grow on me.  

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