13. Wednesday Part 3 Roger

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POV: Roger

    There was a window around back; so, I cautiously peeked in. The cabin was rather plush probably a luxury vacation rental. I might have been surprised by that, but I was too shocked seeing Donny duct taped to a kitchen chair. I was about to run back to tell Ritu when I saw her being escorted into the room at gun point. WTF! I was paralyzed with indecision. I watched as the man with the gun duct taped Ritu to another kitchen chair. I was even more shocked when I realized the man was my ex-friend George. The guy who had asked me to deliver that pot for him and that ended up with me getting busted. Apparently, he had graduated from selling pot to kidnapping.

I think he was explaining the situation to his captives. I couldn't hear what he was saying. Donny and Ritu didn't seem to be saying anything. I decided that continuing to stand at the window was not a good idea. I beat a hasty retreat into the woods and got my cell phone out to call the police. Of course, no bars, no service! I looked down at the coyote and said, "Well, my friend, looks like we will have to hike back toward the trail until we can get phone service."

The coyote seemed to understand and headed back the way we had come. We retraced our route and were practically back at the main trail when I heard voices. At first, I was excited, but the way things had been going lately, I decided to approach the voices cautiously. I stayed out of sight and checked my phone again — of course, still no cell service. On top of that, the voices I heard came in to view and belonged to Starsky and Hutch, the two guys who were after us in the car chase. They hadn't spotted me yet, so I remained hidden in the trees. Once again, I'm frozen wondering what they were doing here, were they still following us, and how did they find us.

I decided best not to approach them. Unfortunately, the coyote had different plans. He charged the two men. I heard one of them shout, "coyote, shoot it." I saw the other one pull a gun.

I can't explain what I did next. I just couldn't watch them shoot my spirit animal. I jumped on to the trail so they could see me and shouted, "Don't shoot. It's my dog." I ran to get between them and my coyote.  

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