11. The Following Monday Part 3 Ritu's Choice

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POV: Ritu

    I sighed and summarized, "I can either explain to my parents how I have become involved in a slot rigging scheme run by gangsters, or I can stay and risk the threats of said gangsters, or I can hide in the woods with you. There really is no good choice here, is there?"

Marie smiled. She knew what my choice would be. "I'll tell your professors you're sick and collect your assignments for you."

Roger continued to outline a plan, "Finish your classes today and hopefully you'll be safe in your dorm tonight. Don't go out. Decide what you need to take on the quest and I'll come by in the morning to help you pack your backpack. Remember, the pack is not that big so just necessities. We will tie our sleeping bags to the bottom frame of the pack. I'll have energy bars, Slim Jim meat sticks, and string cheese for food. Also, I have sealable plastic bags for food wrappers and other trash we would need to pack out, canteens, a first aid kit, flashlights, matches and a small shovel to cover our campfires and for other hygienic purposes. So, you won't need to worry about those things."  

Roger had my curiosity up as to what role a shovel would play in our hygiene.

"I'm going to get my stuff ready now," Roger said as he got up and grabbed my half-eaten sandwich and took a bite before I could stop him.

I slapped his hand saying, "Hey."

"We will be sharing a lot of our food the next few days. Get used to it. I'll see you in the morning."  

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