26. Turkey Day Part 2 Thanksgiving Dinner

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POV: Roger

    We preordered a deep-fried turkey from Kentucky Fried and it along with a bunch of side dishes were ready to be picked up that morning including enough mashed potatoes to feed an army.

Then came the hard part, deciding on pies. The colonel had a limited selection, so we went to the grocery store bakery to make sure we could all have what we wanted. I'm a traditionalist. I wanted pumpkin. Donny came from a different tradition. He wanted apple. Marie had heard about Southern pecan pies, and she wanted to try one. Ritu and Aastha were not familiar with our traditions. They just knew they liked chocolate. None of us were familiar with strawberry rhubarb so we decided to try that too. The bakery had all five types of pies. We got two of each to make sure there was enough of each so everyone could try as much of any flavor they wanted. Besides, you can never have too much pie. We bought several extra cans of whipped cream. Can you guess where this is going?

We set the food out on the counter, buffet style. We had paper plates, and everyone served themselves then sat wherever, the floor the beanbag chairs whatever was available.

"This is the strangest Thanksgiving I've ever been to," Donny commented.

"And probably the most authentic," I pointed out.

"How so?" Donny asked.

"What can be more authentic than a Thanksgiving meal with actual Indians?" I indicated Ritu and Aastha. Everyone groaned at my feeble attempt at humor.

The dinner was great. Everyone was stuffed so naturally, no one had room for dessert.

"What are we going to do with all this pie?" Ritu asked.

"You know, there are other uses for pie," I said raising and lowering my eyebrows suggestively.

"Please tell me you aren't thinking American Pie," Donny asked looking worriedly at his apple pies.

"No, I was thinking more Animal House," I assured him. This brought a big grin to his face.

"What are you guys talking about?" Aastha asked. And with that Donny and I both picked up a chocolate pie and hollering, "Food fight!" he slammed his into Marie's face and I slammed mine into Ritu's. The girls caught on quickly and before long pie was everywhere. And what is pie without whipped cream. Everyone grabbed a can, and it wasn't long before everyone was covered in pie and whipped cream. I actually conserved some of my whipped cream planning to use it later in the bedroom. I was looking forward to nibbling the chocolate pie from Ritu's face and neck. Pesky pie crumbs can end up anywhere. All of a sudden, I was hungry again.  

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