31. Quartermaster School Part 1 Skills

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POV: Roger

    I was hoping to get to see Ritu in between boot camp and Quartermaster school. That didn't happen. The closest we came were long phone calls full of "I miss you."

"Tell her I miss her too and that she can do much better than the loser she is currently on the phone with and then tell her about your extremely handsome good friend," Jesse shouted at the phone I was trying to talk on.

"If you haven't guessed, that was Jesse my friend who has nothing better to do than to harass me while I am on the phone," I explained to Ritu.

She laughed and said, "Tell him I look forward to meeting him someday."

"Meet him? Not if I can help it!" I quipped. At that point, Jesse pretended to try and take the phone from me hollering, "I'm here for you baby!"

"You've got your own girlfriend. Leave mine alone," I said as I jerked the phone from his grasp.

"You should always keep as many options open as you can," he teased.

"So, are there girls on base? Is that one of his girlfriends?" Ritu asked suspiciously.

"There are a few, but don't worry they are all taken." Realizing what I just implied, I added, "besides, none of them could compete with you."

"Nice save Kemosabe."

Feeling the need to change the subject I started telling her about Jesse's girlfriend. "Jesse's girl is stateside." I waited until he was out of earshot and explained, "she is married with two kids but currently separated. Her husband is also overseas. The situation is very complicated. I will explain some other time." We finished our conversation with small talk and more I miss yous.

Bantering with Jesse was about the only fun thing at Quartermaster school. It was mostly about learning military bureaucratic paperwork. They did teach us things like how to keep track of stock, how to handle medical and food supplies, and how to move and store ammunition. I wasn't too sure how helpful this knowledge would be in a civilian career. But I was keeping an open mind. The illegal drug trade could always use people with those skills.  

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