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I have never liked being a Verstappen, racing should be in our blood but that is far from the case with me, I am not like my father and his brother Jos. I am not Victoria or Max, I am just my boring self and yet my father drags me along to all of Max's kart races when he is in our neighborhood. My father hopes that one day I will also see the fun in it, but for me now it is mainly Max who gets all the attention and I who just hang around and watch how others do it. At one of these races, another driver suddenly caught my eye. "Max who is that?" I ask before his race starts. "That's Charles Leclerc, why?" "Is he any good?" I see Max ponder his answer for a moment. "He is the best after me, but I am many times better than him." I like the other boy better than Max but that's probably because I don't know anything about him yet and he's not my cousin. After the race I see Max walk away angry, also my uncle Jos is not very happy, my attention is on Charles and his race, this is the first time I entertained myself on a karting track.

After the last race, I asked my dad to watch Max more often, not because of Max but because of Charles. He looks so nice and I want to know more about him. Max realizes this after a few races and talks to me about it. "Y/n why are you at my races so often?" "Because I quite enjoy watching." I lie to him, but Max is not stupid. "You like Charles? Am I right?" I try to pretend I don't but Max looks duly through me. "Yeah maybe you're right, I do think there is something to it but you can't say that to him though." Max laughs and I look at him not understanding. "Charles has known that for a long time y/n, he's not stupid either. You were never here at first and after seeing him you're always here, come on. But honestly you have no chance, especially since you're a Verstappen." Max's words hurt me but again don't stop me, I want to speak to Charles myself sometime and let me set my sights on that just today. After the race I seek him out, Charles is trying to avoid the press which is obvious to see, as soon as the press see me coming his way they all walk away, luckily I am not relavant enough to write about it, I try to have a conversation with Charles but it does not go as I expected. "So I heard you are Max's niece? " "Yes I am but... "Before I can finish my sentence I am interrupted again. : I heard you're into me, are you?" "No I certainly don't, you seem like a nice person, nothing more." I lie to him but what else could I do,I couldn't tell him in our first conversation that I like the look of him. I don't know anything else about him, maybe he doesn't even turn out to be nice. 

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