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It took a while for me after Charles' crash before I got back to watching a race, now that we are almost a the end of this racing season I only realize how wild my life has actually been lately. 'y/n are you listening?" I startle from my thoughts when I hear Charles' voice. "No sorry, I was thinking for a moment, what did you say?" "I asked if you already know who you're going to see tomorrow, me or Max?" "I went to Max's race last time, I'm sure he will understand if I come to watch you now." "And after that?" "Then I think I'll go with you again, if you don't mind." "How about if you come and live here, I mean you're here more often than at Max's." I don't really know what to say, I don't want to make Max feel like I don't care about him. "Just think about it, I'll hear when you've made up your mind." "Yes I will." I get up from the couch and walk out onto the balcony, luckily the weather is still nice and I breathe in the fresh air outside. Thoughts race through my head and I decide to call Max and tell my story. Max responds better than expected and he thinks I should choose my own happiness, it's not like I'm never going to see him again after this and he does have a point.

I stay outside on the balcony for a while to give my head a rest, after a while I hear Charles playing the piano, he knows that I often get calm from that, slowly I walk to the door of the balcony and stay there leaning against the doorpost and I watch him. In the middle of his piece he suddenly stops. "Baby, you know you make me nervous when you're staring at me like that." I smile and walk in his direction, when I'm behind him I run my hands over his chest and give him a kiss on his cheek. "I know." I whisper softly in his ear and he smiles. "You know I can really enjoy that when you play the piano right?" "I know, shall I teach you?" "No I can't do that at all." "Never say never, come sit with me and I'll help you." I sit down next to him and try to do what he says. "It still doesn't sound like anything." I say after a while. "Keep practicing." Charles strokes a strand of hair behind my ear and I get a kiss on my cheek. "Shall we go watch a movie?" I suggest. "Fine, if you don't fall asleep right away again this time." "That happened once." "You made me watch all of Mamma Mia by myself." I smile at him and see that he enjoys teasing me like this. "I promise I won't fall asleep this time." I give him a kiss. "'Alright, but if you do fall asleep I'm going to tickle you until you wake up again." "Sure!"

We took a quick shower before going to watch a movie, since it was already quite late we chose to do this in bed, I let Charles choose the movie this time which I thought was fair. I laid my head on his chest and I felt myself struggling to keep my eyes open. I am startled awake when Charles suddenly tickles me. "Stop Charles, I am awake." "Not at all, you were asleep again." Charles stops and we both have to laugh. The butterflies in my stomach go wild as he pulls me back into his arms afterwards. "You're happy huh?" "Yes I certainly am." Charles kisses me. "You make me happy." He whispers.


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