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The bond between me and Charles has only grown stronger and in addition to seeing each other only on the grid, we have recently started meeting outside of it. I am standing outside a restaurant waiting for Charles, frankly I am quite nervous because this is the first time we will dine somewhere together. There is some gossip going around on the internet that we are dating but unfortunately that is not the case. I look around and my heart makes a little jump when I see Charles walking up, he looks fantastic tonight, I wave at him when he sees me he waves back. When he stands next to me I get a hug from him. "You okay y/n?" "Yeah fine how about you?" "Yeah good, are you hungry yet?" Charles smiles at me and I sweetly smile back. "Shall we go inside?" "Yes seems like a good idea I am quite hungry." Charles holds the door open for me and I walk into the restaurant, inside it looks very cozy. We are taken to a table somewhere in the back where it is quiet. When the waitress walks away I see her walk immediately to her colleague I see them mumbling and looking our way, I should be used to this by now, but when I am with Charles I always have the idea that people think something of it.

The evening is very enjoyable, for the first time I get a chance to get to know Charles a little better on a personal level. I take a sip of my wine and listen carefully to all he has to say. "When I heard that Max was going to Torro Rosso I also thought 'now I can't be left behind and I have to start fighting for my place in Formula 1 as well and luckily I get that chance at Sauber." When the waitress returns to the table with our desserts she lingers for a moment after putting them down. "Could I maybe ask if you have time to take a picture with me? You are the new driver for Sauber right?" She shyly asks Charles. He is kind to her and quickly takes a picture with her then turns his attention back to me. "Why did you quit karting anyway?" "For me it's more of a hobby than I wanted to break through with it very much, besides that I didn't like it for the first couple of years, I was dragged everywhere by my mom and dad but especially by my dad always hoping that one day I would like it." I admit. "And then you met me and then you were always there." Charles laughs at his joke but you know for a fact that this is not a joke at all, quickly taking another sip of your wine and trying to change the subject.

I am outside again with Charles after a few hours of having a nice dinner together, there are still a few days off before the racing season starts again and I honestly don't feel like going home yet, as if Charles can read my mind he asks if I want to go for a walk with him. Together we walk through the busy streets of Monaco, when Max turned 18 he moved to Monaco and I went with him, in the beginning I had a bit of a hard time with it because I couldn't see my parents that much anymore, especially I missed my father, because of his perseverance with me I got where I am today. "How do you like it so far in Monaco?" Charles asks when he notices that I am in my thoughts for a moment. "Yes it took some getting used to but I like it, it is very nice living with Max." "That's good to hear, cool that you and Max are getting along so well." "Max is my best friend, we sometimes have a fight but we always resolve it." We walk past a club and I take a quick look inside. "Shall we go inside?" Charles asks when he sees me looking in. "Yeah seems like fun, just let me call Max first to tell him I'll be home a little later." I grab my phone and call Max, he wishes me a good time.

We are a few drinks down when we then mingle with the people on the dance floor, I laugh at some of Charles' dance moves, he is trying his best to entertain me that I can clearly see from him. Over the years I have noticed more and more that we revolve around each other every time, tonight is another one of those nights. I dance with Charles and he comes so close every time, in my head a thought screams at me that I should not wait my chances but go for it, unfortunately I am far too shy for that. "I really like you y/n." Says Charles suddenly. I smile at him, suddenly he pulls me against him, I feel my heart start beating faster, I look straight into his eyes and for a moment it seems like everything around me is slowing down, I can still vaguely hear the music in the background and see his head getting closer to mine, suddenly I feel his lips against mine and I am startled by this, for a moment I don't know what to do and I forget that I need to breathe. When I can think straight again I kiss him back.

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